Thursday, May 18, 2023

No More Net

I had taken the day off to get ready to go up to Memphis for this wedding, and I had to go into town anyway, so I finally dragged that heavy entertainment center out away from the wall and unhooked my internet modem.  

I'm sure I'm going to be paying for that tomorrow.  I mean, moving that heavy entertainment center, not unhooking the modem.  

Then I headed into town to get my business tended to.  First stop, the Sparklight office.  I handed over the modem and my most recent bill, telling the lady behind the counter that I needed to cancel my service.  When she asked the reason for cancellation, I shrugged and said, "I'm having to cut corners."  

"That's understandable," she replied, then proceeded to turn off my internet.  She said I'd get one more bill and I confirmed that it would still be autodrafted from my account.  She said, "I can do that if you'd like", and I replied that yes, I would.  So, that's all set up, and once that last payment is made, I'm done with Sparklight -- at least for now.  

I'm hoping, maybe in vain, that things will get better and I can get internet once again.  But for now, it's must my phone and its hotspot.  So far, we're doing OK, though I seem to be going through a bit of withdrawal, which I'm sure is all in my mind.  I mean, I've got my computer and tablet connected to the hotspot, and I've got my little adapter thing I bought a few weeks ago connected to my TV.  I know how to hook my ROKU up to the hotspot as well, but as long as I'm not needing to use my phone, I can stream whatever I'm watching over my data and save the hotspot bandwidth, at least until I can see how much of it I'm going to need to use in a month.  

As I've said before, I'm sure it'll be OK, because my hotspot is what my internet used to be when I first moved into this house. 

In a bit of a serendipitous moment, when I started my car this morning, the little oil change light came on in my car.  Good thing I was going to Walmart anyway, so I zipped on into the automotive center and got that taken care of while I was doing my shopping.  I had to pick up some new hose and a slip to wear under my dress.  I know hose isn't a thing any more, but it's an outdoor wedding.  I don't want to blind anyone with the glare of the sun shining off my Irish DNA.  I was looking for a new bra, too, but didn't find one I liked that came in my size.  I'll just have to wear the old one, then maybe I'll order a new one online -- just to have a dressier bra.  Normally, I wear sports bras to work...not that you need to know that, but there it is. 

Naturally, since I was at Walmart, I had to go into the garden center to see what else they had.  I still haven't found any lemon verbena, so I picked up some lemon balm instead. 

I also picked up some sweet mint.  I'd seen it last week and almost bought it then, but I didn't.  After spending the last several days wishing I had, today I made that wish come true. 

I'm going to grow this one in a container, as mint tends to be quite prolific.  I've also moved my peppermint plant into a container, 

because it already was beginning to take over the raised bed -- the same way the spearmint is taking over my yard.  But it does smell good when I mow it down.  

I guess I'd better get off of here and start packing for my trip this weekend -- starting with finding something to pack my stuff in, since I forgot I'd thrown out the old gym bag I've used for the last 20 years.  


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