Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Back To The Grindstone

Boy, I did not want to go back to work yesterday, but somebody's got to pay these bills around here and I don't see this cat rushing out to get a job. 

As if that weren't enough, I decided to come home and mow my back yard.  It was quite a job, too, but I got 'er done.  

I even managed to leave a few large patches of clover for the bees. 

I'd originally planned on mowing it all down, but as I got closer, I saw several bees buzzing around the flowers, so I decided to leave it.  For the bees, you know. 

Speaking of mowing, there seems to be a bit of confusion with the new neighbor where the property line actually is. 

When I bought the house, I was told that this utility pole marked the property boundary. 

And that those crepe myrtle trees were on the neighbor's property.  The line ran to just outside this chicken coop.

I've used those markers to mow for the last 7.5 years, but apparently the new neighbor disagrees.  I tried to pull up the map from the county tax assessor's office, but I can't zoom in to find a good, clear view of where they have the lines.  I'm not completely sure that map is 100% accurate anyway, since it shows my western fence about 3' over into the other neighbor's yard.  It looks like I might have to get a surveyor out here to mark the property lines.  

It's probably a good idea to do that anyway, since I want to replace my fence.  I need to make sure I've got my fence right on the property lines, and it's not over on the neighbor's side.  On either side.  And I'm thinking of going with a privacy fence this time, at least on the sides with neighbors.  

By the way, our local Walmart doesn't have the new Dr Pepper flavored Blue Bell, or at least they didn't have any in stock when I went Sunday.  I consoled myself with a new plant for my herb garden.  This is pineapple sage. 

Now I just need to get some sort of parsley, and I'll have the whole Scarborough Fair. 

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate my job?  I swear it's the most unorganized, unprofessional place on the face of the earth.  Let me just tell you what nonsense they came up with today.  They've been having this big push to reduce scrap, only the way they want to do it is by creating more scrap. 

I'll give you an example.  Let's say we have a large order, and so we divide it up between two brazers.  Now let's say that brazer A has 5 extra of part #1, and brazer B is five parts short of part #1.  Can Brazer A just hand her extra parts to brazer B?  That's what you would do in a world that made sense, but we work at ADP.  What we have to do is that brazer A has to scrap her parts, and brazer B has to re-order five more.  Even though they're the same part and go to the same order. 

Is that not the most idiotic thing you've ever heard?  

But wait, there's more.  This afternoon, I actually got yelled at because I didn't want to use bad parts.  In what sane world do you get reprimanded for caring about quality?  Unfortunately, I work at bizzaro world.  I'm seriously considering filing my retirement papers and just getting out of there. 

Alas, I can't do that, though, because I still have bills to pay.  I'll tell you one thing, though.  I'm not going to care one whit about quality out there any more.  Whatever garbage I get from tubing is getting brazed up and sent to the line just as I got them. 

Apparently, that's the way they want it. 

And finally, it's been almost a week since I've cut off my internet, and so far, I'm doing just fine.  Funny, when I told my sister in law I'd done that, she looked shocked and appalled and exclaimed, "How do you live?"  

Well, the way we lived before the internet became widely available, for one...

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