Monday, May 15, 2023

Coming Together.

The plan was to come home and mow this afternoon, and my yard desperately needs it, but I decided it was just too hot and I'm getting too old for all this nonsense.  So I just watered my plants and came inside into the air conditioning.  

That's the problem when you have to go to work in the middle of the night.  By the time it cools off enough to work outside, it's already way past my bed time.  When one gets up ridiculously early, one must also go to bed ridiculously early.  

Speaking of work, when it takes longer to explain to your supervisor just what the problem with your parts are and why they aren't right than it does just to fix it yourself, you might need a new supervisor.  Then you tell your supervisor, "You know, they've got this big push going to reduce scrap. Wouldn't it make more sense for them (tubing) to do the parts right the first time instead of us constantly having to scrap them and getting them recut?"  

And your supervisor scratches his head and says, "Yeah, I don't know why they do that."

You're the supervisor, Dude!  You go over there and make them do it right the first time!

Part of the problem is they've got people in tubing that don't even know how to check the parts to see if they're right or wrong.  They just call up the program, hit start, and whatever comes out is what they send to us, and the first indication they have that it isn't right is when we try to put it into a brazing jig and it doesn't fit.  As if that weren't bad enough, you can't just go over there and tell them, "Hey, these were wrong.  Can you re-cut them please?"  Because they don't know how to read a print or check the parts, they're just as likely to re-cut them wrong, you have to take the whole jig over there so they can see what adjustments they need to make to the parts, and while we're over in tubing holding the machine operator's hand, we're not getting our own work done, and if we don't get enough work done, they yell at us, telling us we're not producing enough. 

But that's just life in an unorganized, poorly managed factory.  And it's hot, too.  

On a more pleasant note, things are finally coming together for Cody's wedding.  Look what arrived today!  

My yellow dress!  I've got a little jacket to wear over it, but I'm kind of on the fence about that, because it's white. 

I know you're not supposed to wear white to a wedding, but is all white taboo?  Even a little lace jacket thing like this?   I asked Brennan if the dress was OK, and it's got bride approval.  Even better, it's got functional pockets!  Woo Hoo!  Pockets!  

I still have to decide what to do with this mess on my head -- also known as my hair.  My conundrum was that I'd stopped dying it last Fall, mainly because I was tired of doing it.  I actually like my gray coming through, but I don't want to go to the wedding with half gray/half blond hair.  

I hadn't wanted to dye it again and have to start over with letting it grow out.  This afternoon, I found a solution on Amazon -- what they call demi-permanent hair dye.  I guess that's supposed to sound fancier than temporary.  Anyway, it's supposed to fade after 20 or so washes.  It's supposed to arrive Wednesday, and I hope I don't make a right royal mess of my hair.  

I'm just trying not to be an embarrassment to my son, and I'll be glad when the whole thing is over and done with. 

On a completely unrelated note, what do you do when it's raining and you're at work and left your raincoat at home?  You make your own, of course!

And finally, I'd posted this on my Facebook a few days ago, noting that they'd left one monarch out.  Props to whoever knew which one it was. 

Apparently, no one did, because I never got an answer.  I'll give you a few days, and if you still haven't figured it out, I'll tell you who got omitted from this song. 

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