Thursday, May 11, 2023

Glory Be!

Glory be, I actually heard from my son last night. 

I was just heading for bed when he called.  I answered the phone, and he said, "Apparently, at weddings they have this thing called a mother-son dance.  Is that something you'd want to do?"

I replied, "We can if you want to, but I think your feet might regret it."  Because I haven't danced since before he was even born, though I used to be quite good at tripping the light fantastic back in my Navy days.  But that's a different story for a different day.  Cody told me he didn't really want to, but we could do it if I wanted to.  I said, "Nope, I don't really want to, either, but it's totally up to you."  

As it stands now, we're not doing the mother - son dance.  Then I started asking him a bunch of other questions about the wedding, you know, details I might need to know.  He had no answers for me.  

"We haven't decided yet.  We're still working on that.  I'll have to let you know.  Rehearsals are supposed to have a theme?  Really?"  

I finally interrupted him and said, "Son, the wedding is in a week!"  

"I know, I know..."  

I guess we're flying by the seat of our pants here.  Meanwhile, I'm over here already planning on what to cook for Christmas.  I don't like flying by the seat of my pants, in case you haven't guessed.  

He did tell me a bit of good news, though.  After they get married, he and Brennan are moving to Jackson.  Yes, Jackson, MS!  It's not really any closer than Memphis, and if you want to get technical, it's actually about 10 miles further away, but it just feels closer somehow.  They've already got a house rented; they just need to finish signing all the paperwork and stuff and they'll be all ready to move down there.  

I'd mentioned how I was trying to get Cody's room here fixed up for when they come to stay, only I've got stuff in there I'm planning on moving into the office/craft room once my seemingly immortal snakes have gone to that great herpetarium in the sky.  Cody said they might be able to take one or two of them, if I wanted them to.  After a brief discussion, it was settled that they'd take Slider, provided they had room and he had to check with Brennan first.  He texted me later and said she's OK with that.  Now we just have to wait and see if they have room in their house.  Cody is still going to work for Titan and is going to use their third bedroom for a home office and small animal room.  They already have Cody's ball python Monty, and Brennan has a bearded dragon.  I didn't ask about his little hamster.   He didn't mention it, so I wonder if it died or something.  Pity, it was cute. 

Moving right along, I have been briefly considering changing my regular shopping day to Thursday, reasoning that the store would be less crowded than on Fridays, so I went after work this afternoon.  Big mistake.  The store was just as crowded  -- and with an inordinate amount of small children running wild for some reason, plus they were stocking shelves.  That meant huge pallets of goods blocking the aisles.  So, I'm thinking Thursdays are out. 

While I was there, though, I whizzed through the garden center to see if they had any new herbs in.  They didn't, and since it seems unlikely I'll find a lemon verbena, I caved and picked up this lemon thyme. 

I'll have to look up ways to use it, but I like the way it smells.  While we're on the subject, look at muy little lavender!  It's got buds. 

My blanket flower is opening up, too.  

Well, I had more to talk about, but I just remembered I have to go in at 4:00 in the morning, so I'm going to hit the hay early tonight.  Maybe I can catch you up over the weekend. 


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