Tuesday, April 30, 2019

So Not Ready

I am so not ready for this.

So not ready.  Can somebody make it winter again?  And it's still April -- for a few more hours at least.  I broke down and turned on the A/C when I got home, because it was nearly 80' in the house.  I have to be miserably hot at work, but by golly, I'm going to be comfortable at home.

BTW, that is 30' for you Celsius speakers.

Speaking of work, there I was at work, just a working away, when my coworker said, "Becky, where's your stalker?"

"SHHHHHHH!"  I practically shrieked.  "Don't talk him up!"

But she didn't.  He wasn't there today, and we all got to work in peace.  I know, we call him my stalker, but really, all the brazers feel harassed and stressed out by him standing over us.   It was nice to be able to just relax and get some work done for a change. 

So what did I do with all that non-harassed time?  Well, I didn't have a sea chanty for my ear worm today, believe it or not.  No, this was the song that kept running through my head. 

The only problem was, I kept stopping myself to mentally correct the historical errors contained within the song.  I'm too much of a history nerd to let such things slip by.  You know, like the line in the sand.  That's largely myth.  And one man did slip out and escape later that night.  Stuff like that. 

But it did put me in the mood to start reading a book my cousin Michael had recommended to me a while back called Texan Iliad.  As soon as I'm done here, I'm going to pull it off the shelf and start on it.

Meanwhile, my roses are finally starting to bloom.

I'd gotten a little worried about them.  I cut them back pretty hard last year, and was afraid I'd killed them.  Good to see I didn't.  I'm going to leave them alone this summer, except for trimming back the ones that grow straight out into the yard.  They grab on to me when I'm mowing. 

Always with the mowing...

Well, it looks like my poor little vinca has given up the ghost.

I was so hoping it would perk up once I'd gotten it into the ground, but it didn't. I guess next time I go into town, I'll look to see if they have a single vinca available.  They usually do, but if not, I'll put something else in that spot.  Then I'll be done.  For real, this time.  Right, Ronnie? 

Meanwhile, the dandelion growing the crack in my concrete is going strong.

Ain't that just the way of it?

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