Thursday, November 30, 2017

Getting Up Early

Man, I need a nap.

This getting up at 3:30 after leisurely sleeping in until 5:30 is taking a bit of adjusting.  Yesterday when the alarm went off, I briefly wondered how badly they really needed me on this clean up crew.  Then I thought, "In a few weeks, this will be your life from here on out, you might as well get used to it."  Reluctantly, I dragged my weary body out of bed and went on to work.

Man, I need a nap.

Did I already say that?  Yeah, I need a nap.  Or something.

Thank you to all my readers who offered suggestions to relieve my chapped, cracked skin.  I went on into town and bought some of the O'Keefe's. 

I got the skoal can to keep at home, and the tube to put into my tool bag.  It really does work.  I've only put it on once, and can already tell a difference.  I might even be able to knit again by the weekend.  I haven't, because my fingers were so rough they'd snag my yarn. 

The bad news is, my three day weekends are over.  You have to work a certain amount of hours in a month to get your attendance bonus, and what with the Christmas break and all, if I take these Fridays off, I won't have enough hours.  So, I'm going in to work tomorrow.  If that wasn't bad enough, I volunteered to work Saturday, too.  Cleaning. 

I asked, "What are we going to be cleaning for eight hours?"  I have a feeling it's going to be pretty nasty work, so I bought a bandana to cover my hair.  It has instructions on how to tie it.

Seriously.  Have we become so dumbed down that we need instructions to tie bandanas around our heads?

I fear for our future. 

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