Wednesday, November 29, 2017


I have dry skin.  Very dry skin.  Even though I take extra Vitamin E and use copious amounts of lotion, around this time of year my skin gets so dry that it will actually split open, particularly around my fingertips. 

My dad was the same way.

I was chatting with Edna at work, and I showed her the latest split on the side of my thumb.  "That's not a cut,"  I said.  "That's from dry skin." 

She quipped, "That's from too much bricking." 

Not entirely, but it sure doesn't help.   I bought some of those rubber gloves to wear, only I can't find them.  I've been using the gloves that come with my hair dye.  So, those of you who thought my hair was naturally this gorgeous auburn, sorry to bust your bubble.  It comes out of a box. 

When I got home this afternoon, I decided to take a break from bricking, and work on getting all this stuff back out into the shop.  Not the cat.  The rest of it. 

Like, OK, there is a box of garland that I would put on my mantle, if my mantle weren't in pieces in the bedroom closet.  Long story short, I packed up everything I already knew wouldn't be getting put out this year and put it back into the shop.  A few trips back and forth, and a bit of sorting, and I'm down to these three boxes. 

I still want to put lights up outside, and do some decorating in the kitchen/dining room area.  I call it the dining room, but I don't really dine there.  Once I've done that, the rest of it will also go back into the shop. 

I even did a little bit of bricking anyway. 

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