Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What Was That Again?

Yesterday morning, as I was leaving for work, I had this nagging feeling that I was forgetting something. I went through my mental checklist...

House keys--check

As I got to work, and was walking across the parking lot, I still had this nagging feeling that I was forgetting something. I went through my mental checklist...

Tool bag--check
ID Badge--check
Pocket money--check

As I got to my work station and was setting up for the day, Vanessa asked if I'd turned on the gas. I knew I was forgetting something! That must have been it!

Later, along about 8:00, I began getting hungry. I reached into my lunch bag to get my breakfast. It was then that I discovered what it was that I'd forgotten.

Today, as I was leaving for work, I made sure I had my breakfast. I checked, double checked, and triple checked.


It was only after I'd gotten to work that I discovered

I'd forgotten my coffee.


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