Thursday, April 09, 2009


are the most generous people on Earth! Seriously!

I was talking about the blankie on a message board I'm a member of, and three wonderful ladies popped up and offered to send me yarn scraps. I already received one package of yarn a couple of weeks ago. Today, I got a second one!

Look at all the pretty yarn! I began incorporating it into the blankie right away. The lavendar/purple yarn on the far right has already been knit into a square, and the rainbow colored ball that you can barely see behind the red and black ball is being knit even as we speak.

Thanks, Chuckieknits! This'll help out a lot.

I figure I'm going to need close to 500 squares to finish. I had wanted to have 500 squares of different sock yarn, but I just don't see that happening. Still, I want to get to the halfway point before I begin repeating, so there's still a looong way to go.

I was thinking about having a contest to beg for sock yarn scraps, but I haven't decided if that would be tacky or not.

What do you think?


StephieKnits said...

i have scraps that I would send you when you become low!

Becky G said...

Thanks Stephie! I will surely take you up on that offer!