Monday, April 27, 2009


It's one of my favorite summertime flowers.

It smells so good.

As a kid, we used to suck the nectar from these delicate little flowers.

As an adult, well...

sometimes I still do.


chuckieknits said...

lol, I used to do the same thing with sweet {red} clover

Bag Blog said...

As a kid, I remember standing at the neighbor's fence full of honeysuckle on warm spring evenings with all the neighborhood kids sucking the nectar.

Robin said...

I used to do the same thing...only now my battle is to kill the vine that's sucking the life out of my lilac bush.

Becky G said...

Ann, I've never heard of doing that with clover. Red clover is all over the place here, but it's about died back for the year.

Lou, we had honeysuckle on our back fence when I was a kid. All the neighborhood kids would come over and suck the nectar--so much so that we killed the vine!

Robin, see my response to Lou! Find you some neighborhood kids and let them kill it for you.