Sunday, July 01, 2007

Cute Puppy Picture

Because it's one of those days when I can't think of a thing to say.


Sus said...

Aaaah! Cuteness!

I'll have you know that Rylea was in my dream last night. I don't really remember what the dream was about, but when I woke up, I thought, "Hey, that was Becky's puppy!" She sure was sweet, I remember that. So give her a little hug for me. :)

Bag Blog said...

She is a cutie!

Buck said...

There are danged few things in life cuter than puppies. And then they grow up...


Becky G said...

Sus, that is too funny! And kind of scary. You are dreaming about my puppy.

Lou, thank you.

Buck, your comment reminds me of an old Ogden Nash verse:

The trouble with a kitten is THAT
Eventually it becomes a CAT.

I actually like cats, but I still think that is funny.