Monday, July 02, 2007

Don't Make Me

Sharp eyed readers may have noticed the new paragraph right under my blog title. Someone anonymously posted some very--uhhh--unhelpful comments on an old post. Don't go looking for them. They've already been deleted.

This may seem odd to some of you in the wake of my recent post about freedom of speech and all. However, this is not the same situation. I will allow pretty much any comments to be made on my blog--no matter how much I disagree with the opinions being expressed. You have the right to your opinion, and the right to express it. I do draw the line at obscenities and personal attacks, but other than that, comment away.

If you are going to comment, though, I expect you to own up to your words. Too many people use the relative anonymity of the internet to post things they would never dream of saying if they had to sign their names to their words. They hide behind the wall of secrecy and throw barbs at people who can't see them. This is cowardice, pure and simple.

You may try to justify it by saying you are afraid of identity theft, but let's be realistic here. Someone is very, and I mean verrrry unlikely to gain enough information about you to steal your identity from a screen name or blogger ID. Let me use my friend frotoe for example. I pick her because I've known her for a long time, but I still don't know her real name. That's the only reason I'm using her as an example--not because of anything she's done. Now, how in the world is someone going to steal her identity from her blogging ID of "frotoe"? If you are that afraid of identity theft, you shouldn't be on the internet at all. If you have the know how, you can trace someone's IP and ISP pretty easily.

Truth is, there are no valid reasons for posting anonymously--other than that you don't want anyone to know you are the one saying those things. If that's the case, then those are things you shouldn't be saying anyway.

I don't want to have to turn the comment moderation back on, but if I have to, I will.

Don't make me have to.


Sus said...

I really hope you don't have to. I'm so glad I haven't had to deal with this yet. ::knocks on wood::

Bag Blog said...

People who post anonymously are either cowards or computer illiterates. I think they should be deleted, too, especially if they say things that are out of line.

Buck said...

The interesting thing, to me, is one has the option to post as "other" when commenting, rather than use "anonymous." Why people don't use the "other" function is beyond me...the only explanation I can come up with is they don't understand what the "other" option actually IS...and Lord knows they just wouldn't want to TRY it now, would they?

Regarding anonymity, in general... It's a rare person who actually uses his/her real name on the 'net. I'd venture to say less than 5% of bloggers, commenters, and people who post to forums use their REAL name(s). It ain't identity theft folks are worried about, it's stalking. It happens.

Re: comment moderation. It's a personal thing, of that I'm well-aware. But comment moderation is also a right-royal pain in the a$$ for "normal" users. A blog owner or administrator can accomplish the same objective by using the delete button on offensive comments. Same result with less (or no) hassle for "the regulars."

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you had bad experiences! And I totally agree with buck - I always use the Other one, and it's working fine

Becky G said...

Sus, if you stay on line long enough, sooner or later you have to deal with trolls. Best thing is to just delete their posts and move one. They just want attention. When they don't get it, they move somewhere that they will.

Lou, I do agree with you!

Buck, you are right about internet stalking, however my particular anonymous commenter specifically stated that she was afraid of identity theft and getting her feelings hurt. And again, as I said, I don't expect people to use their legal name. An internet ID or screen name will do. I just think that posting anonymously gives the impression that the commentor is trying to hide.

Worsted Knitt, thank you and welcome to my blog. Drop by anytime.

frotoe said...

Well said Becky!

Steve said...

I haven't had to deal with trolls. Had a few spammers, but no trolls so far. Hope I don't have to deal with that.

I also haven't dealt with stalkers, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there, I guess. I do use my real name, though, and my working theory is that I'm not going to worry about any information that I would freely give to a stranger I just met on the street. My first name isn't privileged information. :)

I'm surprised to find that I'm in the bottom 5%... again! Curses, my standardized test scores are coming back to haunt me!

Becky G said...

Steve, hey! Welcome to my world. Thanks for stopping by. The martial content has been a bit sparse lately, but I hope to begin posting more about it soon.

Pardon me for asking, but the bottom 5% of what?

Anonymous said...

People can be such jerks. I had some trolls of my own recently. Hope yours are gone.

Becky G said...

BBM, I remember your trolls well. What jerks! I coudn't believe some of the things they said about you, and the completely fabricated allegations. I'm glad that seems to have settled down.

Steve said...

Pardon me for asking, but the bottom 5% of what? I read somewhere that only about 5% of people on the internet use their real names anyway. :)