Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I Got A Bite

on my old house. B called me out of the blue this afternoon and asked me how much I was wanting for my old house. She said her friend C knew some people who might want it. I told her, and said they were welcome to come look it at, just excuse the mess. I was thinking I would have a couple of days to get things a little more straightened up, but B said, "Let me call C back." Then I left to take Cody to his hair cutting appointment, and B called me at the beauty shop (don't tell Cody I take him to a beauty shop; he thinks it's a hair center) and said, "They want to come look at it now." Totally freaked me out because it is still a mess.

We drove home and I threw a bunch of stuff in to the back of my truck and moved it over to the new house, but it was still a mess when they got here. I apologized to them for that, and told them they'd caught me off guard, but they didn't seem to mind the mess. The young lady who will be living in the house seemed really excited about it, even seeing all the work that will need to be done to it. The mom seemed less sure. She perked up a bit when I dropped the price a few hundred dollars. But my initial asking price was inflated by those few hundred dollars...

They are going to bring the dad/husband out tomorrow to look at it. I hope they take it, even though that means I'll be scrambling to get my old junk out of it.

I actually enjoyed karate class last night. After we bowed in, I went to the back of the dojo and started working out with the class. Well, doing what they were doing. First we did basics, then slow motion kata up through Wansu. After that, we did some sparring drills. James and I were working together, when he punched me right in the chest. He wouldn't do anything else after that, so I did the rest of my empty hand kata in slow motion. I guess he felt pretty bad about hitting me. It was a pretty good thump. He kept saying he didn't even hit me hard. I was trying to explain that that is the beauty of a correctly executed Isshinryu punch. You don't have to "hit hard" for it to be effective.

I did talk to sensei about the way James was acting Thursday night. He didn't say anything at the time, just did that little, "hmmm" thing he does, but he'll probably talk to him in private about it. That's sensei's way.

Funny thing is, sensei had us come in and teach so he could watch his son play in his last football game of the season. The son scored in the first quarter, then still in the first quarter, got into a fight and got kicked out for the rest of the game!

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