Wednesday, October 09, 2019

One Night

One night, I'm going to get to bed on time, fall right asleep, sleep all night, and wake up in the morning, refreshed and ready to face the day.  One night...

Last night was not that night. 

Oh, it started off well enough.  I went to bed at a reasonable time.  Fell asleep fairly quickly...but just before 2:00 AM, I woke up.  The room was strangely dark, and strangely quiet.  I turned over to look at the clock, and the face was dark.  I looked towards the night light I keep in the bathroom --so I can see when I go visit Graceland in the middle of the night -- and it was off.

Yes, it took me that long to wake up enough to realize the electricity was out. 

I spent a few minutes wondering why, as there wasn't any bad weather going on.  Usually, when that happens, it's either a limb down, or someone got into a car wreck and hit a pole.  I never did find out why it was off. 

I lay back down and tried to go back to sleep.  Every time I'd just about drift off, the neighbor's dog would start barking.  Without the noise of my fan to drown her out, I'd wake right back up.  Once I was awake, I'd worry about the stupidest things.  Like, what if the electricity doesn't come back on?  I can get dressed by lantern light, but what will I do with my hair?  If I can't flat iron it, I know my stalker will go around whispering, "Look at Becky's hair!  It's all frizzy!" 

We can't have that, now, can we.  Maybe I could wear a hat.  I've got plenty of them.  But hats get on my nerves, and if I wear it, then take it off, my hair will look even worse!  Should I just call in sick?  No, that would blow my perfect attendance...and so it went. 

The electricity finally came back on shortly after 3:00, and I was able to get a few more moments of sleep before time to get up.  Better than that, I was able to fix my hair, so Stalker had to find something else to whisper about. 

Which I'm sure he did.  Because he usually does.

Let's talk about something a bit more pleasant, shall we? 

Back a couple of weeks ago at Fiber Fun In The 'Sip, Christi and I were talking about the classes we'd taken last year.  She mentioned all her Zoom Loom squares she still hasn't sewn together.  I mentioned that I hadn't woven a single thing on my Inkle loom since the class, either.  The reason being is, I couldn't find the right size cotton yarn for the weft in a smaller ball.  I didn't really want to spent $30 on a huge cone, but that's all I'd found. 

On the other hand, I'd spent a lot more money than that on the class and the end, I broke down and ordered one. 

I chose a neutral color, because that's a lot of yarn.  It's enough to last a life time.  With the Inkle loom, you don't really see the weft that much, anyway, and this will go with all the colors I'd bought ... to, you know, weave stuff with.  Now, I just have to dig the instructions back out and figure out how to warp it.  And find my heddles, or make some more. 

If I can remember how...

And finally, I made a few more zoom loom squares.

Next thing is to figure out how I want to join them together. 

1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

I hate when the power goes off at night. It gets *too* dark for me. Then I lay there and fret a bit too.