Friday, October 25, 2019

Countdown To Christmas

Yesterday at work, I mentioned to my coworker how badly my eyes have been burning lately.  I said, "I hope this rain coming through settles down whatever it is that's got my eyes burning."  She said she and another coworker had just been talking about the same thing.  They'd thought they were getting sick.  I still hope the rain settles down whatever it is that's got me going, but so far it hasn't.

It was raining when I got up this morning, and has been raining all day long.  Not hard enough that I couldn't go run my errands if I'd had any, but hard enough to make me not want to.  So, what have I done while sitting at home all day? 

Well, I'll tell you.  First thing I did was to re-pot one of my Christmas cacti. 

When the chipmunk had dug it all up, I wasn't sure how long the pieces had been laying out on the ground, so I just hurriedly shoved them into the dirt.  It wasn't very attractive of an arrangement, so this morning, I carefully pulled it all out and replanted them.  I even put the piece I'd had in the cup into the big pot.  It looks a lot better now.  I just hope at least some of the cuttings take.

Then I pulled a long piece off another cactus and planted it into the cup.  By the way, the one in the terra cotta pot on the left is the original Christmas cactus that Cody got me for my birthday 19 years ago. 

Today is when Hallmark channel starts their Countdown to Christmas.  I've been looking forward to it all year.  Yes, the movies are cheesy and formulaic, but I still watch them.  And by the way, you're not going to get snow like that in ...wait, it snowed in Amarillo Texas this morning, so maybe you can get snow like that in Memphis at Christmas.

Anyway, the first premier comes on tonight, so I opened my ATT TV app, and headed to Hallmark Movies & Mysteries channel to make sure my DVR was set...only to discover ATT TV had dropped that channel.  What?????

That's the only reason I even subscribe to that app in the first place, and now I'm going to miss half the movies?  No way!  Naturally, I did what any red blooded American would do.  I dropped them like a hot rock.  I did a little research and signed up for a streaming service called Philo.  It's only $20 per month and has all three Hallmark channels.  I didn't even know there were three.  Did you know there were three?

The third one is Hallmark Drama.  So far, so good, and Philo even has DVR.  What's more, when you click on the channel, OK, say you're looking through the guide and you see a show you want to watch, only it started an hour ago, so you've missed half of it.  With Philo, you can start from the beginning if you want to.  Or you can jump to the live broadcast.  You couldn't do that with ATT TV. 

Of course, it won't replace my Hulu, as it doesn't have local affiliates, and  it doesn't have any sports channels, but until Hulu gets Hallmark channels, I'll be turning it on at Christmas. 

Since the new movie is about to start here in a few minutes, I'll just show you the latest batch of Zoom Loom squares, and say good night for now.

Goodnight for now.

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