Thursday, August 08, 2024

What's Going On?

 I don't know what in the world is going on with Blogger, or even if it is Blogger. 

The last few days, I haven't been able to embed videos, and today I can't even upload photos.  Again, just like with the videos, I've tried multiple browsers, including my phone and nothing has worked.  Not that I had anything exciting to show you.  It was just photos showing how much of my compost I've gotten moved out of the fence guy's way and where I put it -- so just imagine a slightly less high pile of yard waste, and some dirt in a circle in the middle of grass.  

I do wonder if them losing the anti trust case has anything to do with it, but I can't see why.  

Anyway, other than that, the only thing I was going to talk about is that we had another big meeting at work this afternoon. Remember that fight I told you about yesterday?  Apparently, several people filmed it and posted it to their social medias and the powers that be were not happy about that.  He warned us about posting stuff, and I know I'm probably skirting the edge of acceptability, but I do try to be discreet and not name names or go too much into detail. But really, I'm past the point of caring.  

You know the old saying Never push your employees to the point they no longer care?  Yeah, that ship sailed years ago. 

Oh, and I found out that the fight between the women wasn't a fist fight, but a shouting match.  Still, the police were already there and were able to diffuse the situation before it got out of hand.  So, today at the meeting The Big Man Up Front was talking about treating each other with dignity and respect, and oh the irony, because they don't treat us with dignity or respect at all.  

He was up there talking about increasing safety measures, and if the rumors I'm hearing are true, not a single thing they're considering will do a flippin' bit of good.   He ought to know that, too, being a military man, but what can you do?  I mean, they said when they made us switch to those stupid clear bags it would solve all our problems, then when they installed the turnstiles it would solve all of our problems.  Now this...I'll tell you more about it as I find out, because right now it's all just rumor. 

They did mention that they would be getting us new lockers, enough for all the employees to have one.  I just hope the new one I get isn't a top locker.  That's what I have now, and have to stand on an overturned parts bin to get into it.   Which is a safety hazard.  Not that they care about safety.  They just care about giving the appearance of caring about safety, which is why they are so pedantic about those awful arm guards we have to wear.  

As if to add salt to the wound, they've changed our Saturday working hours from 5-2 to 6:00 - 3:00.  I caught Cuz and asked him why the change, and he said it was because people were saying they couldn't make it to work at 5:00 on Saturday -- the same people who come to work at 5:00 every other day of the week, mind you.  They were about to point out a bunch of them, so they decided to change the  hours. \

I said, "Getting off at 2:00 on Saturday was the one bright spot in our miserable week, and you've even taken that away from us!"  

But now, since I still have to go in at 4:00 AM, I'm going to bed.  



Amnicon Studio said...

:-(. I see there's a change in commenting on the blogs now. I thought I had don't something different.

Not long ago I was thinking how blogger hasn't changed in forever and when the time eventually comes I'm probably not going to be happy with it.

I remember when your work put those turnstiles in.

Becky G said...

Oh, OK. I was going to comment about how I hadn't noticed a change in the way comments are done, but when I opened the comment box, I see what you mean now.

I'm not sure I like it, but then, I don't like anything new at first. Once I get used to it, it might be OK.