Saturday, August 17, 2024

Bad To Worse

Things at work just keep on going from bad to worse.  Today, Group Leader Shark announced that starting Monday, all the managers from the front office will be out on the floor measuring our arm guards to make sure they're pulled up far enough, or that we aren't -- oh the horror--  drinking from an insulated mug.  

I said, "Yeah, until that thermometer hits 95°-96°!  Then they'll be scurrying right back up to their air conditioned offices!"  It did get that hot at my work station yesterday, by the way.  But thank goodness, this heat wave is almost over, and next week we'll be looking at highs in the upper 80s to low 90s!  

Speaking of yesterday, all the employees had to have a meeting with their supervisors to go over the active shooter emergency action plan.  I won't go into what that plan was, but when I heard it, my first thought was, "We're all screwed!"   Again, without going into detail, basically the plan is pray that the police get there before you're shot.  

Anyway, during this meeting, Uncle Supervisor inadvertently let it slip that that the reason they're doing all of this is because there were a whole lot of people from Lennox here the day they had that big fight in the main break room and they had to take those guys up front and call the cops in front of all those Lennox people, and they got their butts embarrassed, so now they're taking it out on us.  At least that's how it feels to us.  But I'm sure them changing our Saturday schedule the very next weekend was just a coincidence, right?  Right?  

In better news, I finally finished the hat I've been working on for what seems like forever. 

I also bought two more skeins of the Mainstays yarn, one of the blue that I liked so well, and one of a black variegated. 

 Prolly tomorrow I'll cast on with one of them.  Likely the black and gray, because I want to see how it knits up.  And prolly tomorry, I'll finally get that vlog recorded for you.

In the morning.  Before it reaches triple digit temps.  

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