Friday, August 09, 2024

Well, Well, Well...

Look what decided to work today.  The photo has uploaded. Too bad it was just of a Scrub Daddy. 

I've been wanting one for a while, but for some reason had a mental block against buying on.  I don't know why, but today I overcame it and got myself a Scrub Daddy.  Now we'll see what all the hype is about. 

So, after all the hooting and hollering about us being so far behind and losing 500 headers a day, and we're going to start losing customers, etc, etc, the plant cut the lines back to 9 hour shifts starting Monday.  Because the way to catch up is to work less, you know.  

Oh, look what else is working again:  the embed feature on YouTube.  If you're arachnophobic,  I suggest you stop reading here.  A dirt dobber had gotten into my house and died on the windowsill.  A teensy little spider decided to try to wrap it up in web.  It worked on this wasp for two days before I guess it got its fill and left.   It was so funny I had to grab a video, which will be down below if you want to watch it.

That's about all I have for tonight, so I'm going to watch a minute of TV and then head for bed. 



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