Sunday, August 25, 2024

It’s A Start

There I was at work yesterday, just a working away, grumbling all the while as is my custom, when along about 1:30, Group Leader Shark came around holding up two fingers and saying, "Two o'clock! Two o'clock!  We've got headers everywhere and I'm ready to go home, so two o'clock!"  

She didn't need to tell me twice!  As soon as that time clock hit two, I ran out of there so fast, I pulled half the equipment out into the parking lot in my wake.  I came home fully intending to be productive, but all I really did was wash three loads of laundry and work on a hat, which I finished this morning while watching Marcy's latest vlog.  I'm only four days behind this time, so yay me! 

The yarn is Mainstays in Black Multi colorway.  I have enough yarn left to make one more hat, but I doubt I'll buy any more of this yarn.  I like the blue much better.  

Once it had cooled off enough yesterday evening, I made a start staining my fence even though it was almost dark by then.  This is as far as I got before it got too dark to see.

I think it will look nice when it's done.  

I had thought I'd get up early this morning and work on it some more, but I said to myself, "Sunday is a day of rest, and by golly, I'm going to rest!"  So I went out and cut some herbs instead.  Besides, I'm thinking about investing in a paint sprayer before I do any more of it.  You can get a decent one for not too much money, and that's a lot of fence to be painting with a roller and brush -- especially once I get the whole yard fenced.   

So, they've been talking about getting new lockers at work -- clear lockers, so they can see exactly what you have in there -- and so unscrupulous people can window shop for what they want to steal.  But they didn't think about that part, did they?  It'll give a whole new meaning to the phrase Smash And Grab, especially if we've got to start leaving our phones in there.  

"Oh, look at that newest model iPhone!  I'll have that one!"  Smash!  Grab!  Somebody's got a new phone.  

Anyway, I don't know how long it's going to take them to get in -- one of the safety guys said they're still taking bids --but in the light of that, I took a few moments before the shift started yesterday to clean out my old locker.  Man, I had so much stuff in there, stuff I hadn't used in years.  I still had a bunch of old fin combs from when I was an inspector back in 1998.  I took them back to the line, where they actually use them.  I had, oh, I don't know how many brazing tips and why I need so many, I don't know.  I put them into a bin on the shelf so if someone needs a spare tip, they can get one.  

I had even still had about 5 acetylene tips, and we haven't used acetylene in at least 15 years.  I tossed them all, then in a fit of sentimentality, I reached back into the garbage and got this one out. 

This is the brazing tip that Larry Neal borrowed from Kenny Jenkins in 1999 to teach me how to braze at the request of the late Virgil Mann.  

Call me an old softie, but I couldn't bear to part with this one.  


Amnicon Studio said...

I bet your legs were moving so fast they were going in circles and there was a cloud of smoke behind you!

Thanks for watching <3 I'm still getting used to being in front of the camera.

I'm catching up on your blog and reading backwords. your fence looks real good! I'd say, yeah, get a sprayer. Though I have no experience with them.

How can they have clear lockers? Plexiglass?

Becky G said...

I'm not sure what the lockers will be made of. Maybe Plexiglass, but I bet they'll get scratched up really quickly.

Amnicon Studio said...

I wouldn't be surprised if they do get defaced right away.