Wednesday, August 14, 2024


Apparently there were shenanigans at work last night. 

I won't go into any detail about the aforementioned shenanigans, mainly because I wasn't there and don't really know what happened.  All I'll say is my first thought when I heard about them was, "Oh, Lord!  What else are they going to take away from us now?"  

If things keep going the way they are, pretty soon they'll require us to strip nekkid before we walk into the plant. 

On a similar note, COVID is going around again.  I think about half the plant has it now, including one of the brazers.  Well, I don't know for sure, but I'm about 99% positive he has it because his wife came down with it a few days ago.  The bad part is, he refused to leave work.  He said he didn't want to get a point.  

Funny, he didn't have a problem getting a point a few weeks ago when he want to go home and take a nap.  

Anyway, I spoke to Group Leader Shark and she said they can't make him leave if he doesn't want to.  They can't even make him put on a mask, so he just stood there all day, dripping COVID germs all over the rest of us.   I said, "Well, if we all get COVID and are all off next week, they're going to wish they'd made him go home!"  

The only other thing I have for you today is that I finally finished reading The Boy Of Chaotic Making, by Charlie N. Holmberg.  It was pretty good, but dragged a bit more than the first two did.  Still, the ending was worth it.  There will be a fourth book coming out soon in that series, but in the meantime, I'm going to re-read The Witch Of Blackbird Pond, by Elizabeth George Speare. 

Well, the fence guy is making good progress, but it's slow going by my standards.  He's still got to work his regular job, then comes over for an hour or two after that to work on my fence.  I'll be glad when he's done.  Last night, he was here until 8:30 sawing and banging and drilling...

I don't want to stop him, though, because the faster he's done, the faster I can go back to my peaceful evenings at home without anyone in my yard.   

And for that, I can't wait!

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