Tuesday, August 06, 2024


 I knew right away what kind of day it was going to be when I woke up and discovered I'd somehow knocked my phone off the wireless charger during the night, and it hadn't charged.  Sigh...

I put it onto the charger until I left for work, then snuck my spare charger into the plant and put a bit more charge on it until the bosses all got there.  I figured if all those other people can play on their phones all day, I can sneak a charge for 45 minutes. I managed to get it up to 75%, which was enough to read on my book over lunch break. 

But the day just went down hill from there.  Every single order I got today had something wrong with it.  Every. Single. One.  For example, I got one order that was short 85 adapter tubes.  How did I know?  Because the parts stager had written "Re-cut 85 more" right there on the parts ticket.  I kept walking over to tubing to see if they were ready, but the weren't.  When I'd finally run out of the parts, I looked one more time, then went and asked the parts stager if she'd ordered them.  She said, "No," and I said, "Why not?"  Then she got mad at me.  For asking her why she hadn't ordered parts she obviously knew I would need.  

Then I got into it with one of the tap fitting brazers when he brought a header that I'd ordered yesterday. 1 said, "I don't need it now!  I needed it yesterday!"  Then I said, "Beats me why they don't make y'all count your parts!"  He said, "Nobody counts their parts.  They've got a counter on all of the machines, and all they have to do is mash that little button, but they don't do it."  

And I said, "Neither do you!"  and turned my back on him. 

Now for a bit of good news.  The fence guy got back to me yesterday with a quote that I thought was fair, and honestly was about what I'd figured it to be anyway.  Plus it was well under the budget I'd set for that section of the fence.   I said it was OK, and asked how he would like me to pay.  I said I could write a check, swipe a card, or do an electronic transfer.  

He said, "Cash."  

Cash?  That wasn't one of the options.  I said I'd have to get back to him.  So this afternoon, I messaged him and said, "I know you wanted cash, but please can I pay by credit card or electronic transfer?"  I explained that I don't have a local bank so getting ahold of that much cash is difficult.  Seriously, the closest thing they have listed as a branch is the ATM in the Circle K gas station.  Yeah, I can take out a few hundred from there, but don't feel safe at all trying to withdraw multiple thousands of dollars like that.   

He said I could pay by Zelle, but for some reason I couldn't get it to work.  It kept saying the transaction couldn't be sent at this time, and I never could figure out why.  Maybe because I'd just activated my Zelle, since I normally use Paypal for such things.  After much shouting and a few unwholesome words for which I had to repent, I apologized and told him Zelle wasn't working, and was there another app he could use.  

So he downloaded Paypal and set that up, and it took some doing, but I finally got his payment sent.  Alas, they put a 24 hour hold on it -- I guess because his account was so new.  We're going to wait and see, then go from there.  

I kept apologizing for not being able to figure this out, and he kept saying it's OK, we'll get it worked out.  All that to say, if we can get all this payment business worked out, they're going to put up my new fence this weekend.  

I'm also trying to be supportive, because I know they're just trying to get their business up and running -- and one of the brothers still has a full time job outside of the fencing company, but I'm going to give them a bit of a heads up.  If they want to do business in the 21st century, they can't keep using 19th century methods.  Like it or not, they're going to have to set up so they can swipe cards at some point, because frankly, if he'd told me it was cash or nothing, I'd have had to say I was going to go with another fencing company. 

And finally, I have no idea why my Chosen had is on top of my air fryer, but if that doesn't show you what kind of day it's been, I don't know what will. 

I'm going to bed.  Good night. 

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