Wednesday, August 28, 2024

About Yesterday

The plan was to grab a quick shower, then sit down and write a blog post for you.  However, just as I was walking into the bathroom, I heard a text message alert on my phone.  "Eh, it's another political text,"  I said to myself, then went to check it so it'd stop chirping.  

Much to my surprise, it wasn't a political text at all.  It was Cody!  They were on their way home from their trip to Alaska, driving down from Memphis and wanted to stop by and visit.  OK, they didn't drive all the way to Alaska.  They'd driven up to Memphis to leave their cat with Brennan's parents, then flew out of Memphis.  They got back yesterday morning, then drove on home later that evening.  

Anyway, they stopped by and visited for about an hour, then went on home.  I gave them a jar of the salsa I'd bought at the farmer's market, and three jars of pickled peppers.  I forgot to give them a jar of the Jalapenos, though.  Just the banana peppers and the mixed peppers I bought at the store.  I told them to tell me how they liked them, explaining that I'd just found some recipes on the internet and winged it. I haven't heard from them yet, but I hope they turned out good.  The peppers, I mean.   

After they left, I took my long awaited shower, but you didn't get your blog post.  I'd write it for you now, but I can't remember what I was going to talk about.  It must not have been that important.

In less pleasant news, the plant ran off another good supervisor. I don’t know what happened but he had just had enough and went to Milwaukee Tools.  They always seem to do that -- run the good ones out of there.  Of course, the Spawn of Satan supervisor will be there until kingdom come...

But a bit of better news, they're actually giving us the weekend off.  I was shocked and pleasantly surprised.  And my new paint sprayer came in just in time. 

Alas, we're looking at rain all weekend, so it'll be a minute before I get to use it.  No matter.  I'll get the fence painted eventually -- maybe next weekend, since I have a vacation day.  Oh, but I've got to get the transmission fluid in my car changed soon, too.  So much to do...I'm making a list, but you know me.  I'll probably not get half of it done. 

In the meantime, I've started watching Father Brown Mysteries on Britbox.  

Oh, and I ordered a small metal detector to try to find the bolt I lost when I was replacing the pull rope in the lawnmower.  I took it out to where I thought I'd dropped the bolt and got excited when it started beeping.  But when I got down on my hands and knees, I didn't find anything and the beeping stopped. 

I did this three times before I realized it was detecting the metal eyelets in my boots.  

I don't want to talk about it.  

And I still didn't find that dadgum bolt.  


Amnicon Studio said...

Ooo, let me know how you like Fr. Brown.

More and more online i'm seeing the sentiment about companies running good people in to the ground. :-/

What a nice surprise to get a visit from Cody and Breanna.

Becky G said...

I've only seen two episodes, but I'm really liking it so far.

Amnicon Studio said...

You'll have to watch Sr. Boniface after you get through Fr. Brown. :-)

Becky G said...

I've already added that one to my watch list, too! I'm also re-watching Merlin. The first season is up on Prime, but the rest of them only have a few episodes. I have to go to Britbox to see all of them.

Amnicon Studio said...

I kinda of remember Merlin. It has Sam Neil, right?

Becky G said...

This one had Colin Morgan and Bradley James, and Anthony Head as Uther Pendragon.