Saturday, August 10, 2024

Almost Ready

I'm telling you one thing, my place of employment sure knows how to demoralize their employees.  Yep, when 2:00 came and went and we were all still there...Man, I felt like crying.  To make matters worse, I found out Katie Clark was supposed to be at the farmer's market today!  For those of you who don't know her, she works at a yarn shop in Jackson and teaches classes.  In fact, I took her continental knitting class at the very first Fiber Fun In The 'Sip.  So, that was a major bummer.

By the time the work day was finally over, I was so exhausted -- both physically and emotionally -- when I got home, I sat down and didn't do anything -- except four loads of laundry, that is. Then, because the fence guys are supposed to start removing my old fence tomorrow, I finished moving my compost from the old dog kennel, 

to the temporary pile. 

 Once I get my new fences in, I'll find a more permanent spot for it, but for now, that's where it sits.  I might even get one of those big compost bins from Amazon and put it back into the same corner.  I don't know.  I have a while to decide yet. 

I'd intended to get out and mow this evening, but by the time I had finished with that, I was so tired I could barely lift my arms, so I came inside and took a shower.  Now I'm sitting in front of the TV watching a preseason football game.  KC vs Jax.  

Neither one is my team, but man, when that channel tuned in and I saw the sights and was like when that first sip of coffee hits your soul in the morning, 

and all was right in my world once again. 

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