Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Plan

The plan had been to come home from work and start waterproofing/staining my fence, but when I read the instructions, they said not to apply the stuff when it's over 90 or in direct sunlight.  All righty, then...I guess I'll get up early Sunday morning and get started doing it then.  Or maybe wait until October. 

It's probably for the best, anyway.  Yesterday when I got home, I was so tired I could barely lift my arms, so I just sat here limply watching The Royal and thinking I should be knitting.  But I was even too tired for that.  Knitting, I mean. 

Oh, but I'm never too tired to read, and while I was sitting there exhausted, I finished The Witch Of Blackbird Pond.  I hadn't read it in ages, and had forgotten what a good book it is.  Then I decided to re-read another old childhood favorite, Misty Of Chincoteague.  

I can't even tell you how many times I've read this book.  I even have a Breyer's figure of Misty somewhere around here.  However, I do think it's kind of creepy and gross that they had her taxidermized and put on display in a museum on Chincoteague Island.  But hey, Roy Rogers did the same thing to Trigger.  And people do it to deer all the time, so I guess it's OK.  

In other news, I finally started working my way through my Faber's Adult Piano course.  It's been sitting there neglected for the last three months, and so yesterday I made a start on it.  I'd thought to vlog my way through the book, but I may wait until the lessons get a bit more advanced.  I mean, it is the beginner level, so right now I'm going through pretty quickly.  

I'm still doing my Alfred's, which is going very slowly -- mostly because I'm too tired to practice like I should.  Even so, it's a bit of a jolt going from this in my Faber book

to this in my Alfred's book. 

Well, I reckon that's it for tonight...oh wait!  I remembered what else I was going to tell you about.  Remember how they said all the managers will be out on the floor watching us at work?  We have really lucked out because the one in our department is the maintenance supervisor and he's usually too busy keeping the place running to worry about the little nitpicky stuff the front office is getting so bent out of shape over.  

I'm not completely sure what he's supposed to be doing, though.  Someone said he's trying to figure out why all the orders we send to the lines are short of headers.  Hmmm, could it be that it's because all the orders tubing sends to us are short?  Gee, if only someone would  make them count -- and check-- their parts. 

This morning, for example, I had a four piece order -- a four piece order -- and one of the adapter tubes had three correct parts and one bad part.  How do you even do that?  My guess is that the person bending them did the first one wrong, then corrected the machine to do the rest correctly.  However, you can't just toss the bad part into the bin and send it on down the line like that.  Someone needs to make them re-do the ones they mess up, and not send the order to the brazers with a single bad part -- or even one part short.  

OK, now I'm done for today.  I'm going to go grab a hot shower.

Oh, one more thing!  Y 'all please remember my sister in your prayers.  She fell off a ladder and broke both of her arms.  They're flying into Anchorage tomorrow (Wednesday) and will probably do surgery Thursday.  She said the timing couldn't be worse, because Cody and Brennan are up there for a vacation.  She hates leaving them, but I'm sure my nephews can keep them occupied while she's laid up. 

OK now I'm done for reals this time.  


1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about your sister.