Monday, August 26, 2024


 Just nope.  Come on Autumn!  

OK, this is just because I forgot to crack my windows before I went into work this morning.  My thermometer on my back porch at home said 101°.  Still hot, though.  The good news is, these next two days will be the last of the really hot days for a minute.  By Thursday, the highs will be in the low 90s, and then down into the mid to upper 80s next week.  I can't wait!

On a similar note, I slept good last night.  I'd left the window unit in my bedroom running all day yesterday, and by the time I went to bed, it was so cold in there I had to pull all the blankets up.  That makes for some good sleep, I tell you. 

Then I went to work this morning, and before my shift started, I went to put something on the lines, and it was so cold back there.  No wonder those people are wearing jackets.  It's still hot up front, though, but not as hot.  It only got up to 91° at my stand today, so they must have turned at least part of the air conditioning on. 

Speaking of work, a couple of my coworkers stopped Junior today as he was prancing through the plant with his red insulated cup and told him he wasn't supposed to be having that cup.  He said, "Aww, I'm just taking it up to my office, or to fill it up with ice or water."  

They said, "It doesn't matter.  You're not supposed to have it.  Those are the rules."  He looked at them like they had lost their minds questioning him, and just walked away.  They had a point, though.  If the rules don't apply to everyone, then they shouldn't apply to anyone.  My brazing stand is my office -- so to speak -- and if he can have an insulated mug, then I should be able to have one as well. 

However,  when Junior came back from his lunch break, he had a clear plastic cup like the rest of us.  Not that he needs an insulated cup sitting up in his air conditioned office anyway.  

By the way, the plant's reputation is starting to get out there.  This was posted in a local Facebook group today:

If things keep going the way they are, there won't be anyone left who will be willing to work there.  They're having a hard enough time keeping employees as it is.  

And finally, I went ahead and ordered a paint sprayer off Amazon.  It was only $37, and according to the seller's page had been marked down from $129.  I'm not sure I believe that, unless they are clearancing out an older model to make room for a newer one.  Still, it got good reviews and should do what I need it to do. 

I guess that's about all I have for today, so I'll stop boring you with my drivel.


1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

We've been struggling with heat and humidity in our area. I wouldn't whine so much about it if it was just the heat, but the humidity is awful. It's like breathing in mist.

that's pretty bad that your workplace is getting that kind of rep. :-(