Sunday, August 04, 2024

Sunday Sunday

I know Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest, but right now it's the only day I can get out and work in the yard before it gets too hot, so out into the yard I went.  Today's project was to get the privet 

and the poison ivy cleared from the canna lilies on Mrs. Newman's side of the fence. 

 I've been doing this once or twice a year ever since they had to put her into a care facility a couple of years ago, but this year, I kind of let the stuff get away from me. 

If you know me at all, then you’ll know how sensitive I am to poison ivy, so the first thing I had to do was to come up with a makeshift hazmat suit. And that’s exactly what I did.  I recorded a vlog for it, but for some reason, YouTube isn't giving me the embed link, so if you're so inclined, you can watch it here:  Putting On My Hazmat Suit.

I also tried uploading it directly to Blogger but they said the file was too big.  I don't know what's going on.  I've never had any trouble doing any of this before.  Yes, I tried different browsers, and I disabled my ad blockers, too.  Oh, well...That and the Clean Yard video were going to be the bulk of this post.  

I apologize that you have to click through because I'm such a Boom-A-Ludd.  

Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled content.  I was a bit appalled at how poor my posture is in that first video.  I guess it comes from bending over my brazing stand all day.  I'll have to make a conscious effort to stand up straighter.  

I'd gotten out early this morning before it got too hot, but the humidity was so doggone high, I ended up drenched with sweat anyway, so I decided to forgo mowing and come inside to take a shower.   Once I'd showered, I wasn't going to go back outside and get sweaty again, so I spent the rest of the day mostly watching TV.  

So, there's not much else to talk about today.  I'll catch up with you later. 


Amnicon Studio said...

The long plastic gloves are a really good idea!

I wonder if the reason you were having a problem with linking the videos is because they were "unlisted"? I had my own problems with youtube this weekend ...

I do NOT blame you for not wanting to get all sweaty again. The humidity has been icky up here, too.

Becky G said...

I don't think them being Unlisted is the problem, because I've done it before. But I'll change the setting and try again.

Amnicon Studio said...

Dealing with Youtube can be sometimes frustrating.