Friday, August 23, 2024

Long Week

 I intended to blog yesterday, but it was another one of those days when I was so tired I couldn't lift my arms. I didn't have a whole lot to say anyway, but I wanted to mention that I'd gotten my little muscadine seeds planted.  I want to get an arbor built to train them on -- provided they germinate and grow, that is.  I'm thinking the west side of my house in that newly fenced in area might be good for that, and I can hang a swing chair under it.  

I don't know.  I get these images in my head of the way I want things to be, but I don't know how to go about making those images come about in real life.  They never seem to work out as well as I pictured them.

In other news, I'd found the movie version of Misty of Chincoteague on FreeVee and started watching it Wednesday, but was so tired I couldn't even finish. I turned it off and went to bed -- where I tossed and turned long enough that I thought, "I could have finished my movie at this rate!"  

I finally fell asleep, and after a long, hot day at work, finished watching it yesterday.  It was pretty good, and stuck close to the book for the most part.  There were some variations, but not too many.  I finished the book today, but haven't decided what I'm going to read next.  I think I might read Thomas Jefferson And The Tripoli Pirates

I've heard his books are pretty readable, but haven't read one myself yet, even though I bought Sam Houston And The Alamo Defenders four years ago.  Hmmm, I'd better get on that one, too.  

And finally, my sister's surgery went well.  They didn't have to do surgery on her left arm, but had to put a plate and several screws into her right arm.  She's doing fine, but is in a lot of pain right now.  I'm sure she'd appreciate your continued prayers. 

1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

I keep hearing and reading that it's good to make long-range plans. Like 3 or 5 year plans.

I'm just not getting a handle on planning, journal keeping, etc., for gardening. I feel like I move so slow, otherwise. It helps me to write things down and think about how I went to approach it so I can reach the goal.

I LOVE that you are having lots of success with gardening this year. <3

If you have the time and patience and being okay with moving things around, I think you will really enjoy the fruits of your labors in a few years.