Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Well, Well, Well...

It is now day three of no plumber, and I'm beginning to get a bit discouraged.  I'd had so many plans when I moved into this house, I just didn't realize how hard it would be to find someone who is willing to show up and work.  I guess I'll just have to watch some YouTube video and figure out how to do it myself.  Then I'd have to find the time and the energy to do it. 

OK, moving right along.

I'd had a completely different post in mind for you today, but all that went out the window this afternoon when I heard some very interesting workplace gossip. It would seem that there have been


And boy howdy were there shenanigans.  

Apparently, we have a voyeur out at the plant.  For the purposes of this blog, I'll call him Tom...as in Peeping.  Get it?  

Now, remember, all this is coming to me through the rumor mill, so take that for what it's worth. 

Tom hasn't been out there very long -- less than a year, I'd say.  But what Tom would do is to go into the men's bathroom and surreptitiously film guys...um...urinating.  And I'm not talking about from behind across the room.  

He'd get...shall we say...up close and personal.  

What he was doing was to go into a stall, then when someone came into the next stall, Tom held his phone under the divider and would hit the record button.  And film.  Other men's... business. 

Then he'd go home and upload those videos to his YouTube channel.  Allegedly.

So, last Friday, Tom snuck into the bathroom and waited for someone to enter the stall next to him.  I actually don't know that.  I'm just fleshing out the details using my imagination, but it's what I think might have happened.  What really happened is that the guy he was trying to film is a veteran, and since veterans tend to be a bit more aware of things around them than most civilians, he heard the little bink when Tom hit the record button.  

Vet looked down and saw the phone, and chased Tom out of the bathroom.  Tom ran out into the parking lot, to his car, and changed his shirt, like he thought that would keep Vet from finding him.  I don't know all the whys and wherefores, but the short answer is Tom got fired, and Vet filed charges against him, and you get a very different blog post than the one I was going to write today.  

Is it wrong of me to feel a bit of schadenfreude over this?  I mean, women have been dealing with this kind of stuff since the days of Lady Godiva.  Now you men know how it feels.  

Oh, and there was a fight in the plant after lunch.  Which took three supervisors to break up. 

How was your day? 

1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

Holy crow! Your workplace is *never* dull! *Facepalm* I can't even imagine. What a creep!

So bummed to hear your plumber still hasn't showed up.