Sunday, August 07, 2022

Sunday Blessings

 A few years back, I used to make a weekly post called Sunday Hymns.  It was exactly what it sounded like.  Each Sunday, I'd post the video of one of my favorite hymns.  

I enjoyed doing it, but for some reason it was never very popular.  Those posts only got about half as many hits as my regular blog post -- if that.  I kept it up for a few months, but eventually stopped.  Some years later, I tried it again, with the same result.   

I mean, I enjoyed it, but if the post don't get hits, it's a whole lot easier for me to just watch the vids on YouTube.  Nevertheless, me being me -- that is, a bit on the stubborn side -- I'm going to try it again, only with a twist this time. 

I was reading my friend  Marcy's latest post over at Amnicon Studios and she mentioned the Three On Thursday thing I read over at the Carole Knits blog.  The link is in my sidebar if you're interested.  I used to participate in that a lot, but have kind of stopped.  I think I should get back to it.  

 Anyway, I thought it would be fun to do something similar here, only on Sundays.  I'll call it Sunday Blessings, and you all can play along if you want to  -- even if you aren't particularly religious.  Here are the rules.

1.  Post something that has blessed you in some way -- big or small-- last week.

2.  Post a Bible verse or spiritual quote that has touched you in some way this week.

3.  Post a hymn or some other song that has touched you this week. 

Sound good?  I'm going to need y'all to keep me accountable with this one, though, so I don't flake out like I have before -- mainly by reading, sharing, and most importantly responding to each post.  It's hard to stay enthusiastic about posting when it feels like you're talking to no one.  

OK, here we go...

1.  As some of you know, I wear scrub tops to work, even though I work in a factory.  I lot of us do.  I like them for the big pockets, which come in handy from time to time.  Anyway, one of my friends stopped me and asked, "Becky, what size of these do you wear?"  I told her, and she said, "I've got a whole bunch I've outgrown, and can't wear any more.  Do you want them?"  I said, "Sure, I'll take them", thinking it would be five or six tops.  We went out to her car, and she pulled out a huge garbage bag filled with forty -- yes forty -- scrub tops, all in great shape.  It'll be a while before I need to buy any new work shirts now.   



So, there you have it.  My three Sunday blessings.  

What are yours?

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