Sunday, June 26, 2022

Y'all Thought I Was Joking

I went ahead and ripped that scarf out and started over, making it a little wider this time.   

I'm going to like this width better, and I'm sure I have enough yarn to make it long enough.  I've also knit a few more rounds on the hat, even though I'm mostly working on the scarf.  I seem to have been bitten by the scarf bug lately.  It's almost making me want to warp the loom.  But not quite.  

A few days ago, we had sexual harassment training at work.  I have no idea whether it was how to harass someone or what because the man leading the class was incoherent.  All I heard was a lot of garbled mumbling followed by, "That's sexual harassment!"  There was no discussion, no opportunity to ask questions, or anything.  I'm not sure what the point of the meeting even was.  

The highlight of the meeting was when the brazer sitting next to me leaned over and whispered, "[Your Stalker] needs to be in here."  Not that it would do any good because he knows he's protected.  He was already fired once for sexual harassment and using racial slurs, but his "special friend" in the front office made them give him his job back -- with back pay -- and forced the HR director who fired him in the first place to resign.  

If they really wanted to end harassment and bullying out there they'd do away with their idiotic zero-tolerance policy and let us defend ourselves.  Thing is, I wouldn't have to actually poke Stalker's eyes out with a piece of hot brazing rod, but as long as he knows the option is on the table, he's going to think twice about leering at me all day long.

As it is, I just have to stand there and put up with it. 

Also in the meeting, they handed out a survey about whether we would prefer to work 10 hours Monday through Thursday, plus 8 on Friday and have Saturdays off, or 9 hours Monday through Friday and 8 on Saturdays.  People working in component areas can add 2 hours to those times.  Those of us who have been around a while and remember when we were on that schedule before.  We tried to tell them we would still be working Saturdays anyway.  That was the whole point of my blog post that night.  Listen to me, coworkers, you will not get Saturdays off!  

Today, I was looking through my Timehop memories and found proof:

It's the work schedule from three years ago -- when we were supposed to be getting Saturdays off, you know. 

Not only that, they seem to have forgotten that the plant took 25% of our vacation days away.  Those who had 5 before now had 4.  Those who had 20 days were cut back to 16.  Of course, the survey didn't say anything about that...

In the end, it doesn't matter how we answered the survey.  They're going to do what they want to do anyway.  

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