Monday, June 27, 2022

High Hopes

I'd had such high hopes yesterday when I saw the wind pick up, and the dark clouds gather.  I even heard thunder at one point, but no.  We didn't get any rain.  Not one drop.  Sigh.

Good thing I bought a new sprinkler last week.

I had to get a kid's toy because they were all out of regular lawn sprinklers, but it's heavyweight metal and only cost $3.  I figured I'd give it a chance.  It puts out quite a bit of water, so to me, it was totally worth the money. Good thing, because our next chance of rain isn't until Friday.  But at least we're out from under that heat dome!  

The tropics are waking up, 

but at least we're out from under the heat dome!  

We had a bit of excitement at work today when a machine broke and sent a part flying 15 feet into the air.  I didn't see it happen so that 15 feet thing is just a guess.  Fortunately, the only thing that got hurt was a nearby computer.  We all said it was a good thing the regular operator wasn't there today because she has a bad knee and there's no way she could have gotten out of the way quickly enough. 

Finally, remember my poor little Christmas cactus I thought was going to die?  Let me refresh your memory:

I'd re-potted it into two pots with soil blended just for succulents and hoped for the best.  Here's what they look like now:

So much better, eh?  Come Fall, I might put them all back into the same pot, and dispose of the ones that are still red and struggling.  

Kindly ignore the water gun.  I bought it to squirt the cat when she's tormenting the dog.  It doesn't work, though, because it won't hold water over time.  I need to get a different kind that doesn't leak so much.  

That's about all I have for you today.  Maybe something exciting will happen soon, besides machines flinging parts 15 feet into the air, I mean, and I'll have something to blog about.  In the meantime, I downloaded the free Grammarly app to try to make my posts more readable.  As one of its features, it has a tone detector that will let me know how my posts may sound to my readers -- both of you. 

I'm shooting for engaging and humorous.  It says this one is nervous and sad.  What say you?  I'm I nervous and sad here?

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