Saturday, June 18, 2022

Random Thoughts Of A Saturday Evening

 1.  I almost forgot to let Jesse back in this morning.  I'd gotten up at my usual time, and let him out to do his business.  I got ready for work as usual.  Just before I was about to walk out the door, I decided to fill his water dish.  Walking into the bedroom, I noticed he wasn't on the bed.  I thought he must be in the closet, but no, he wasn't in there, either.  That's when I realized I'd forgotten to let him back inside.  

I ran -- figuratively speaking, I don't run in real life -- and opened the back door, and there he was, patiently waiting on the back step.  I'm just glad I realized I'd left him outside before I left for work.  It's way too hot for him to be outside all day.  

2.  Yes, I am praying for my air conditioner this week.  Literally.  

And next week as well, because it's supposed to be even hotter.  You know it's hot when you see it's only supposed to get up to 91' tomorrow, and you're excited about it. 

Please, Lord, don't let my conditioner of air konk out this week!

3.  I know one thing, I will not be mowing this weekend!  What will I be doing instead?  I'll be watching my new special edition Blu-rays of The Chosen.  

I love special editions of stuff -- behind the scenes videos, director's commentary, round table Bible discussions about the episodes -- all of it.  

4.  How hot is it?  It's so hot, that my numbers are peeling off my mailbox.  

I bought new ones, and will probably get out early in the morning before it gets too hot and replace them.  Or I may just wait until the heat dome lifts.  No point in putting new ones on if they're just going to peel off anyway. 

5.  I don't know what these things are.  I think they're a variety of Cosmos, but I'm not completely sure.  They came out of the packet of wildflower seeds I bought.  

I do know one thing, though.  If they don't bloom soon, they're going to be composted.  

6.  I am by no means a germophobe, but when your lunch table at work looks like this

every day, yeah, that's why I carry sanitizing wipes with me.  That's just nasty.   We are supposed to have a cleaning crew, but obviously, they don't do their job very well.  

7.  I went on a bit of a spending spree here these last few weeks.  One of the things I bought was some more of that Scott's Weed & Feed Southern formula.  I'm not going to show you a picture of it.  You can look it up if you want to.  I'm telling you, though.  The stuff works.  My front yard has grass in it now!  It's still got a little bit of dollar weed, but even that looks sickly and dying.    Best of all, I haven't seen a single ant bed since I put it down.  I think I might put some behind the fence, too, to keep the dollar weed from spreading back into my yard. 

8.  I'd gotten Cody one of these record cleaning systems for Christmas, and he seemed pleased with it.  

I'd asked him to bring it down and clean some of my records last month when they came to take me to the oral surgeon, but he didn't.  I don't know what was going on with him that day.  He didn't even bring his laundry, which I told him he was welcome to do.  Anyway, since it'll likely be Thanksgiving before I see them again, I splurged and bought one of my own.  I felt like it would come in handy since most of my records came from eBay.  Plus, I spilled something sticky on one of my Christmas records when I was doing my baking last year.  That needs to be cleaned, too.  

9.  I also bought a hat. 

And some new work boots, but those were kind of a necessity.  I need new work jeans, too, but it's so difficult to find 100% cotton jeans that don't cost $80 + these days.  

10.  Speaking of hats, knitting is coming along right nicely.  

This is why most crafters have more than one project going at the same time.  When one gets dull, switching to another for a while can bring back a missing mojo.  I'm still working on the scarf, but it doesn't look much different. 

11.  Well, I'm off to watch my new DVD.  Laters.  

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