Tuesday, June 21, 2022

I Have Been Remiss

I have been remiss in that I completely forgot to mention my third anniversary of having gotten my electronic piano.  I meant to include it in Saturday's post, but I was so tired by the time I got home from work, it totally slipped my mind.  I knew there was something else I was wanting to talk about, but I couldn't remember what it was.  Sometime Sunday afternoon is when I remembered.

What I was going to say, if I hadn't forgotten, was that three years ago on June 17, 2019, my piano arrived in the mail.  Isn't 'Merica great that you can mail order a piano?  Free shipping at that.  The most amazing part is I haven't quit!  My desire to play is still as strong as it was the very first day.  

I'll admit there have been times when I've been so tired, that all I've done was run through a few Hanon's or scales and called it a day, but I'm still plugging away at it.  I'd intended to record a song to post, but I didn't.  By the way, I finally downloaded that recording software I mentioned a while back, but I still need to figure out how to use it.  Maybe this weekend I can get around to that. 

I was going to tell you yesterday, but I was so determined to finish this scarf, all I did was knit furiously from the moment I got home.  I got this far

and said, "Nope. Not today."  I was so tired, I couldn't finish even that little bit.  As soon as I got home today, I whipped the last part out, and here you go, a finished scarf.

I like this one so much, that I might keep it.  It's pretty rare for me to keep something that I've knit, but just this once will be OK.  Don't you think?  The next project I cast on will be with this yarn.  

It's some my ex-mother-in-law sent to me when she was de-stashing a few years ago.  I'll probably do another scarf.  This time, I'm thinking I might do a seed stitch pattern.  It's still mindless enough to work while watching TV, but interesting enough not to be boring.  Plus, the texture ought to be very warm.  OK...

In gardening news, all of this -- whatever it is -- started to flop over a couple of days ago.  I don't know why, so this afternoon I found one of the old tomato cages Tomato Man* left behind, flattened it out, and used it to prop them up. 

It wasn't quite big enough, so I tied a bit of yarn -- which you can see there on the right -- to brace the plants on that side.  I'm hoping they start blooming soon.  Oh, and let me update you on Marty Mac.  As you can see, he's growing and thriving.  He's got several new traps growing, and they are so much bigger now.  

As a little lagniappe, the trap there on the right -- the big one -- has a bug in it.  Whee!  Contrary to what a lot of people think, Venus Fly Traps don't need to eat bugs to survive.  They do just fine with only water and sunlight, but it's kind of cool to watch them eat.  

Finally, people are moving into the house across the street.  I haven't met them yet, as they've only been in and out briefly so far.  The house to the east of me is still empty, though.  

Now, I need to go practice that there piano of mine.  Laters. 

*If you're new to the blog, or have a memory like mine, click the link to read the story of Tomato Man.  

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