Monday, June 13, 2022

Hi Ho, Hi Ho

It's back to work I go.  

Let me tell you something, after three days of sleeping "normal people" hours, getting up at 2:45 is killer.  Absolutely killer.  

Seriously, by Sunday evening, I was feeling so much less exhausted, less drained, and less strung out.  It was wonderful.  It even felt like my brain was starting to wake up again  -- so much so, that I thought you might get a well-written blog post today, but no...

I kind of shot myself in the foot by staying up last night to watch the Chosen update live stream with producer Dallas Jenkins -- and for those of you keeping score, he's planning on a November/December timeframe for season 3 to be released -- so I was late getting to bed, to begin with.  Then, it's been so hot and humid these last couple of days, my poor little window unit simply couldn't keep up.  

Now, I do have central air, but I also have a window unit in the bedroom to keep it a bit cold in there.  But that's neither here nor there.  The point is, it was so hot in my bedroom it took me forever to fall asleep, which made 2:45 come way too soon.  

I lay there for a moment, debating whether to call in and take one more day off, but someone has to feed all these animals.  So, I dragged my weary body out of bed, and off to work I went. 

Shortly after my shift started, I felt nature starting to whisper my name, so I headed into the reading room to answer its call, only to discover there was one unoccupied stall...and it had no tissue.  I waited a few moments for someone to come out of another stall...and there was no tissue in it, either.  I waited even longer until a third stall was vacated...and...well, if you said there was no tissue in it, give yourself a cookie.  

Frustrated, I threw up my hands, muttered a few unwholesome words for which I had to repent, and stormed out of the bathroom and found Group Leader Shark.  

"Who do I call to get them to put some tissue into the bathroom?" I asked.  I explained the problem, then told her I was going to go up front and try that bathroom.  She said something about going to look for the cleaning crew, while I headed up to the front bathroom.  When I got there...well, guess what I found?  Go on, guess.  That's right, five of the six stalls had no tissue in them.  The sixth had about a third of a roll left, so yippee!  I got to poop after all!  

I'm sure that information just made your day.  

Sometime later, Group Leader Shark came to my stand and told me she'd found the cleaning guy, who told her they didn't have any tissue because their supervisor hadn't ordered any.  But he went into the men's restroom and swiped some of theirs, so at least we'd have some in the women's.   

About three hours later, I saw the supervisor walk by carrying a case of tissue, and I clapped and cheered like he was a rock star.  

And that, Gentle Reader, was the highlight of my day. 

By the way, this is how we have to go to the bathroom at work. 

None of the stall doors latch anymore, so you have to prop the door closed with the trash can, then put your foot on the can so some doofus doesn't shove the door open anyway and walk in on you.  

It's happened before -- more than once. 

In other news, this is our forecast for the next ten days.

Add in the humidity, and the heat indices will be well into the triple digits.  It's so hot, that I won't even let the dog go outside for longer than he needs to do his business.  

So, what am I going to do?  Probably sit in the air and knit.  I'm so close to being finished with this scarf...

and yet, I'm so tired of working on it.  I kind of want to take a break, but I kind of want to go ahead and get it done.   I'll let you know how it goes. 

But I am getting the urge to cast on a hat...

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