Tuesday, January 08, 2019

The Case Of The Disappearing Gifts

Back about a month ago, my sister and I were discussing what to get my nephews for Christmas.

Let me step out of my story a moment and say, if you are a regular reader of my blog, you probably remember me telling this story.  Just consider this a refresher.  If you aren't, you'll want to know the backstory, or what I'm about to tell you won't make any sense.

And now, back to our story...my sister and I were discussing what to get my nephews for Christmas.  In the course of the conversation, she mentioned that she was going to order my gifts the next day.  A few days later, a rather large box arrived.  I thought it contained the gifts from her, but it didn't.  Oh, well, I thought.  They'll probably get here tomorrow.

December 26 came and went, and no gifts.

December 27 came and went, and no gifts.

By the 28th, I began to get a bit worried, so I contacted her and asked her to check the tracking numbers.  She did, and discovered that for some reason, the order didn't go through.  She re-ordered everything.  The two books arrived promptly.  The rest of it was supposed to arrive between January 4th and 7th.

The fourth came and went, and no gifts.  No biggie.  They'll probably get here tomorrow.

The fifth came and went, and no gifts.  I wasn't too worried.  They'd probably come Monday.

Sunday, then Monday came and went, and still no gifts.  It was then I began to worry.  Still, I didn't want to start pestering her.  I was torn on what to do.  I didn't want to seem like I was all "gimmie gimmie", but at the same time, I didn't want her to have spent money on stuff I never received.

I decided to give them a couple more days before I contacted her again.

Today, when I got off work, I had a text message from my sister waiting on me.  The gifts had finally arrived -- at her house.  In Alaska.

When she'd re-ordered them, she'd forgotten to specify my address as the shipping address.  She apologized, but all I felt was relief.  At least they hadn't been stolen.  Porch pirates are a thing here lately.  And there is the neighbor's dog...who has already torn up my outside decorations and tumped over my garbage can...

We had a good laugh, and she's going to pack them up and send them to me.  I'm not sure if she realized, but when she screen capped the shipping info, she also revealed what she'd gotten me.  I won't be surprised, but I'll be glad.  Two of the things were what I was planning on buying with Amazon credit -- if she hadn't gotten them for me.

So now, I have a bit of money on an Amazon gift card.  Some of it is the credit for the wax melter Cody got me, which arrived broken and I had to return.  Also, I got a $10 card from Ancestry.com.  Apparently, I'd referred someone, though I don't remember doing so.  All I can think of is someone must have clicked on a link I'd posted on Facebook or something.

Nevertheless, it's there and I'm going to spend it.  Now, I just have to decide what to get...more wax stamps...another journal...another book to add to my library...oh the possibilities are endless!

In other news, when I got home this evening, I made chamomile tea in my Keurig knock off.  I just tore open a bag of Celestial Seasonings and dumped the leaves into my little basket and ran a cycle as normal.  It worked!  I see a lot more tea drinking in my future. 

Finally, I did not sleep well last night.  I dozed off and on, but didn't really fall asleep until after midnight.  Not good when you wake up at 3:00 AM.  So, I'm a bit loopy right now.  I'm just going to leave you with this, which I never tire of watching.  Be sure to listen to the commentary, too.

The guy was right when he said this was the best thing on TV. 

By the way, I just wanted to point out that the guy to bulldogged Bevo and got his head turned, he's the one who saved the day.  If Bevo had taken off, they wouldn't have been able to stop him with those little leads. 

For now, at least, he's my new hero. 

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