Monday, January 28, 2019


We have snow in the forecast for tonight.  They're predicting 1 - 3" accumulation before it's all over.  Even if we don't get snow, we're likely to have freezing rain and ice. 

It was with this in mind, I decided to buy some birdseed when I was at the store Saturday.  I whizzed into the Garden Center and grabbed my usual 20 lb of Pennington Bird Kote.  As I was picking the bag up, I thought to myself, "Man, this cold has really done a number on me.  I feel as weak as a baby."  Nevertheless, I persevered, and wrestled the birdseed into the buggy.  It was then that I saw it.

Dang!  I'd gotten the 40 lb bag.

No wonder it was so heavy.  But I wasn't going to put it back.  I'd already wrestled it into the buggy.  I wasn't going to be wrestling it back out.  I continued on with my shopping, and was heading to the checkouts, when it hit me.

Dang!  I'm going to have to put this into the car! Yep, I was going to have to wrestle this 40 lb bag of birdseed out of the buggy and into the car...sigh. 

I checked out, left the store, and wrestled that 40 lb bag of birdseed into the back of my car -- where it sits to this day.  I'll probably go bring it into the house here in a bit, because I want to get my bird feeders filled before the inclement weather hits.   The previous owners also had a metal bowl out in the chicken coop.  I've brought it in and washed it.  I'll probably fill it up, too, and put it out in the morning before I leave for work.

At the moment, the plant is still planning on being open.  If anything changes, they'll put an update on the call - in line.  I'll wager half the plant won't show up anyway.  Here's the thing, it was 30' when I got up this morning, 63' when I got off work, and by tomorrow, it'll be down into the 20' with snow on the ground.

That's our strange Southern winters, for you.  It's also a strange Southern winter tradition to run out and buy milk and bread at the first hint of snow.  Well, y'all do.  Apparently, I run out and buy bird seed.

Forty pounds of bird seed.


Now, I'm all ready for the snow.  The wood box is full,

and I have plenty of knitting to work on,

and letters to write.

Provided, of course, we don't have to work tomorrow, which I'm not holding my breath over.

Not going to turn my alarm off just yet...

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