Thursday, January 10, 2019


You know that awkward moment when you're at work, trying to earn a living and not get, you know, fired, but the only thing you want to do is run home and research Spindletop and the Lucas Gusher,

all because you remembered a random line in an obscure song that nobody outside your family has probably ever even heard, which goes

It was January ten of nineteen one
Lucas was a thinking he and Higgens was done
Then the table started shaking 'neath the coffee up
They had just sat down when the oil started up!

Then the ground started rumbling and the gusher came alive
And it shot BLACK GOLD into the Texas sky!

A hundred thousand barrells she's a pumping every day,
And it made a lot of millionaires along the way.

Yes, it made a lot of millionaires 
Along the way.

*I'd credit the singers, but I can't remember who they were.  This song was on an old record that my dad had when we were kids.  I asked my brother, and he said it got ruined in one of the hurricanes.

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