Friday, January 18, 2019


I had a surprise waiting for me when I got home from work yesterday.

A couple of surprises, actually.

One surprise was Cody was here!  OK, that wasn't so much of a surprise, because he'd messaged me he was coming, but that doesn't make as good of a story.  He did have a surprise for me, though.  He got a new job!

I don't remember if I'd told you or not -- I blame sleep deprivation --back before Christmas, he'd told me he'd applied for another job.  He'd already been through one interview, and they wanted to call him back for a second one.  He asked if he could reschedule, because they wanted to do the interview during his regular shift at Home Depot.  Last I'd heard, he was waiting for them to get back in touch with him.

Last night, I asked him if he'd ever heard back from them, and he said, "Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you.  I got the job!"  So, yay!

He'll be working at a distribution center.  He told me the name of the company, but I don't remember what it was.  They're kind of like an Amazon fulfillment center.  They have lots of stuff, and when people order things, Cody will be pulling them off the storage racks and putting them onto pallets to get them ready to ship.  His department handles plumbing parts and supplies.

The best part is, he'll only be working one job at a time, but with lots of opportunities for overtime.  And they're going to start him at $14 an hour!  So, yay again!

The second surprise was that my sister's globetrotting Christmas gifts finally arrived!  So, yay again, again!

First thing in it was a lumbar support pillow.

It's a really nice memory foam pillow.  It starts out kind of lumpy, but the longer you lean against it, the more it conforms to the shape of your lower back.  Funny thing about this is I sent her the exact same pillow.  What can I say?  We're sisters, after all.

And of course, the first thing I did was spill Coke on mine.  Sigh...

The second thing in the box was this Texas shaped cookie cutter.

I've got it hanging on a tack in my kitchen, but soon, very soon, I will be making some Texas shaped cookies.

And the final gift is another book for my library.

Cody remembered this one from his childhood, too.  I had lots of these books, but when he'd outgrown them, like a dummy, I gave them to the church library.  Now that the idea I might someday have grandchildren has arisen, I have to rebuild my collection.

It's not a problem, though.  I'm always keen to get books.

Cody and I had a good visit.  He left to go back up to Memphis this afternoon. Jesse came out of hiding and my nerves eventually stopped vibrating.  I love my son, but he's very loud.  The last thing I want is to be one of those overbearing mothers who treats her grown offspring as if they were still children, but I think I'm going to have to tell him to start using his inside voice.

Even with all the commotion, I managed to finish another hat.

This is out of that Mary Maxim yarn I bought last fall.  It's a bit on the fuzzy side, as if the hat had been lightly fulled.  I think it'll be really soft after I've washed it.  It was going to be a five color helix hat, but as you can see, it didn't end up that way.

After a long time of not seeing them, I managed to catch my deer eating!  Not literally catch them, but you know what I mean.  I'm pretty sure my doe is pregnant again, and my little buck looks like he's got the beginnings of velveted antlers just starting to peek out of his little nubbins.  It'll be fun to watch them grow.

Oh, I showed Cody my new binoculars and he said, "These are nice!"

One last thing before I go, this has been around a while, and every time it shows up, I have to share it.

It's too good not to.

BTW, there is a second one.  Look for it in a future blog post...

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