Friday, January 25, 2019

Change Of Plans

Seems that nagging cough that's been troubling me for the last few weeks has now morphed into a full blown head cold.  I'd planned on getting up and taking the dogs in for their rabies and heartworm shots this morning.  Then, after lunch, I was going to take the car in for an oil change while I did my weekly shopping.

However, when I woke up feeling like the MOAB had detonated inside my sinuses, all that changed.  What I chose to do instead is sit in my chair, knitting, and watching TV.

I found some of episodes of Escape To The Country on YouTube that I hadn't seen before, so I watched a bunch of those.  Then I turned on Acorn TV and am now watching The Art Detectives.

I'm telling ya, it's been so long since I've had a cold of this magnitude,  I don't quite know what to do with myself.  Other than drink lots of fluids and rest, that is.  I'm not feverish, at least.  Just all clogged up.  And miserable.  And it's cold outside.

*Pout, Pout, Pout*

By the way, I'm very disappointed in those house shoes.  I only bought them in October, and they're already starting to tear up.  Oh, well, at least they weren't very expensive.  One day, I'd like to invest in some really good quality moccasins.  And they'd better last longer than 4 months.

I wanted to show you was this:

The fifth record I bought from Ebay arrived yesterday, but I felt too cruddy to post about it.  I've got an offer in on two more, and am about to go put an offer in on a third.  BRB...

OK, I'm back.  I'd intended to put in an offer on one album, and accidentally bought three.  So if that other seller accepts my offer, I'll have five more coming, and that will almost complete my collection.  About that offer, he was selling a lot of three, but I already had one of them.  I messaged him and asked if he would sell me just the two I didn't have, and gave him an offer for them.  He has yet to accept the offer, so I'll just have to wait and see.  On the other hand, that listing has been up for several weeks and hasn't sold yet.  He'll probably be glad to take whatever he can get.

Good thing I did my taxes today.  It'll be a few weeks before I get them back, because they don't even start processing returns until next month.  H&R Block has a thing were you can put part of your return on an Amazon gift card, and they will give you a 5% bonus for however much you put on that card.  I did that with part of my money, so I'll have quite a bit available to buy my record player.

The one I've been looking at only costs $60, but it does convert to MP3.  I don't want to spend a whole lot of money on something I won't really use that much, but I want to spend enough to get a decent machine.

The balance of my tax return will be applied to that credit card balance, which, despite my constant bellyaching about it, is slowly but surely coming down.

A bit more overtime, and it'll be gone.  When that happens, we're going to have a partay!!

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