Monday, January 14, 2019

More Sea Shanties And Other Stuff

I was in the bath, thinking about something, and saying to myself, "Self, you really need to blog about that."  Alas, by the time I got out and dried off, I'd forgotten what it was I wanted so badly to blog about.

That being the case, I'll just show you this.  My next door neighbor's apple tree fell over in some of the high winds we had a couple of weeks ago.

Oh, it was rotten in the middle, and half of it had already fallen over.  I'm kind of surprised she hasn't been over here asking if I would clear it up for her.  For the firewood, you know.   If it ever stops raining long enough, I just might go over and get it.

Funny thing about that wind.  I had a little wooden Christmas decoration hanging on the utility room door out in my car port.  The wind blew so hard it was banging against the door.  I heard it from inside the house and thought I had a mouse in the utility room.  I was in there with the broom trying to chase it out where I could swat it.  I even started looking for my mouse traps.  I knew I had some around here somewhere.

I won't say how long it took me to figure out where that noise was coming from.

Let's change the subject, shall we?

Someone out there is going to get a letter soon.

I don't know why the envelope looks blue.  It's tan parchment-like paper.  Not real parchment.  Just dyed to look like it.

Have any of you heard of Willow Yarns?

I got a new catalog a few days ago.  I'd never heard of them, but they seem to have some nice stuff.  Their prices seem reasonable, as well.  I might just have to order something from them.

Now I remember what I was thinking about when I was in the bath tub!  I've been trying to cut down my electronics use.  I firmly believe that too much screen time causes something akin to ADD.  The more time I spend on my electronics, the less I am able to stick with something for any length of time.  So, I've deleted all social media apps from my phone except Instagram.  I even took Facebook off, but I added it back.  I found I was still going there, only through my browser.  I did take it off my kindle, and deleted all but two of my games.  I'm going to try to spend more time reading, and you

Finally, I'm still on my sea shanty kick.  I'd always spelled it chanty, but apparently spell check thinks that's wrong.  However you spell it, I'm still on it.

I've found this group, Kimber's Men.  They've got some good stuff on YouTube.  I don't like their version of Leave Her, Johnny, Leave Her.  It's too fast.  Coda does a really good version of it that I may post in another blog.

The whole point I'm trying to make is this.  I LOVE this guy's voice.  The one who is the lead singer in this video.  I don't know what it is about it, but I could listen to him sing all day long.

In fact, I think I'll go listen some more.

Goodnight, all.

Oh, wait, one more thing.  Today in Texas History began the Runaway Scrape.  That's when Texas civilians began fleeing Santa Anna's advancing army.

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