Monday, January 07, 2019

Less Facebook, More Real Books

Those of you who are friends with me on Facebook will be pleased to know that my bills made it into town with me today.  Those of you who are not friends with me on Facebook, or didn't see the post due to Facebook's algorithms, probably have no idea what I'm talking about. 

Let me fill you in.  Friday, I ran into town after work to pay some bills.  I got all the way there and discovered that in my haste to get out the door that morning, I'd left said bills on my kitchen counter. 

This time, I made sure they were in the car with me before driving all the way into town.  I was planning on running to the store to see if they had any K-cup hot chocolate, but it was raining -- again-- and I just didn't feel like it.  I did discover through a Google search that I can brew my loose leaf tea in my Keurig knock off.  I haven't done it yet, but I will. 

One thing I really like about it is that the coffee comes out at just the right temperature.  When I use my big coffee maker, the coffee is too hot to drink, so I have to let it cool.  It works out well for work, because by the time I get there, it's just right.  But when I want to drink some at home, I don't want to have to sit and wait for it to cool.   

I'd been thinking these last few weeks about how addicted I am to Facebook.  Seriously.  If I don't put my computer, phone, and tablet all in the other room, I'm sitting here constantly scrolling.  I decided I'm going to stop getting on Facebook so much, and put more time into reading real books.  I have tons on my kindle, and just bought the Durrells in Corfu trilogy from Amazon. 

Also, on the recommendation of my friend Cyndye, I also ordered this one:

I've only flipped through it, but it looks fascinating.  I was going to come home, blog, and start reading.  And what did I do? 

I opened Facebook and scrolled until nearly bed time.  Sigh...

But now, I'm going to go read for real. 


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