Thursday, July 26, 2018

A Bust

Well, that didn't go as planned. 

I'd taken a vacation day today to go to the dentist to get two fillings and my broken tooth extracted.  Well, really, I'd scheduled the days months ago, just to have them off, but when I found out I needed this dental work done, today just seemed a convenient time to make the appointment. 

However, when I got to the dentist office, he looked at my x-rays and decided one of my filings really needed a root canal and crown, so we postponed that one.  He did the other filling, then took a new x-ray of my broken tooth in preparation for the extraction.  After seeing it, he said my tooth was pretty badly inflamed around the root.  This meant he could shoot me up with all the deadening he had, but with the infection, it probably wouldn't take.  He said, "Trust me, you do not want me trying to extract that tooth with no deadening." 

Once again, I wondered how our ancestors made it.  They were definitely made of tougher stuff that we are.

He put me on antibiotics for a week, and we are going to do the extraction Tuesday.  Because of this new alternate schedule, I'll have to leave work early --again-- and get another point, and lose three hours pay.  The receptionist told me she could get me in at 4:00, but I'd still have to leave work early, so I took a 1:45 appointment.  That'll give me a couple more hours to recover before having to be back to work at 4:00 AM the next day. 

That's the whole reason I'd scheduled the appointment for today -- so I'd have 4 days off to recover from it.   And also, an excuse to not do anything the whole four days.  I guess I'll have to mow...

But look what I found when I was wandering around Wal-mart waiting for my prescription!

I don't care what the calendar says.  I don't care what the thermometer says.  I don't care what my uptight friend says.  When the candy corn hits the stores, it's almost fall! 

Then, on the way back to my car, I spotted our local Bigfoot hunter. 

I immediately thought of my friend Kristine, and had to snap a pic for her.

I mentioned a few days ago that I wanted a new, wireless printer.  I'd looked locally for several days, but couldn't find the one I wanted.  I finally broke down and ordered one.  It arrived yesterday. 

I haven't hooked it up yet.  That would mean cleaning all the junk off the top of my old one, and I'm just not ready to face that.  Not yet.

I could have paid another $85 for someone to come install it yet, but that's a lot of money for someone to clean up my computer room.  *Snicker*

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