Sunday, January 28, 2018

Alternate Schedule

Yesterday was the first day of the much ballyhooed Alternate Schedule.  I'd volunteered to go in, and my supervisor told me I'd be working on Line 1.

I got there bright and early, and reported to my assigned work area.  Line 1 Group Leader asked if I knew how to put on labels.  I said, "Not really", because I couldn't remember if I'd ever done that before.  Then she asked if I could put on tie bars.

Oh, yeah, I can put some tie bars.

So there I was at work, just a working away, happily putting on tie bars, when Group Leader called me over, telling me C Shift Production Supervisor wanted to move me somewhere to braze.  I gathered up my things and went over to see where he wanted me.  He said, "I'm not having you putting on tie bars all day!"

At last!  Someone who recognizes my skills as a brazer!  My own Group Leader will move me off my stand and have me do menial work that anyone off the street can do.  You'd think she thought I couldn't braze at all -- yet she refuses to move me off her line...but that's a different story for a different day.

C Shift Prod Sup sent me over to line 7 to line braze. There I was at work, just a working away, happily line brazing on line 7,  when line 7 Supervisor called me over. "I'd rather have you sub-brazing," he said.  All righty, then.

A few hours later, there I was at work, just a working away, happily sub brazing on line 7 when I noticed three boss-type personages deep in conversation.  Suddenly, one of them turned to me and said, "Can't you braze nuts?"

"Yeah," I said.

"Go braze nuts," he said.

And that's where I spent the rest of my day.  I'm telling ya, after working with C shift tubing department for a day, I'm starting to understand why we never had any work ready when they were on the night shift.  There was a whole lotta nothing going on over there.  It took them 12 hours to do about 4 hours worth of work.  I didn't braze a whole heck of a lot of work, because there wasn't a whole heck of a lot of work to braze.  I don't mind going where you need me, but sheesh, at least need me where you send me!

Sometime during the day, one of my coworkers asked me if I was working Sunday.  I told him I hadn't signed up, so no.  He said he hadn't either, but they'd asked him to come in because -- as he put it -- "people was quittin' like crazy."  Later, I went and asked one of the regular C shift people if a lot of people had quit.  She said they had, and a lot more was going to quit.  To make matters worse, the day care that was supposed to open at 4:30 to accommodate our new hours wasn't open.  There were people up there waiting to drop off their kids, and no one was there.  I don't know what happened with that.

I waited all day to see if anyone would ask me to come in, but nobody did, so I came home and started priming.  I tried to move Rylea's love seat into the kitchen/dining area so she could still sleep on it while I'm painting, but I couldn't get it through the door.  I said to myself, "Self, you got it in this room, there must be a way to get it out."  Except that the way I got it into the room has moved back to Texas.

Rylea spent all day walking around the house moping and groaning, but she'll live through it.

"No, I won't," she said. 

But she did. 

Once I got all the furniture out, I started priming.  I did two walls, then decided I was way to tired to keep going, and went to bed.

I got up ridiculously early this morning, and finished priming.  It was at this point when I began to think that primer gray was such a lovely color maybe I should leave it that way.  You'll be happy to know I didn't.  I finished painting it, except the trim. 

By the time I was done with that, I was wiped out.  I took a shower -- because I got as much paint on myself as I did on the walls -- and now I'm just sitting. 

That's all I'm going to do for the rest of the day. 

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