Monday, September 04, 2017

An Actual Weekend

Yes, you read that right.  I got an actual weekend this weekend. Frankly, I was expecting them to ask for volunteers to work today, or at the very minimum have us work Saturday and Sunday, but they gave us a three day weekend.

I know.  I'm shocked, too.

And what did I do on my actual weekend this weekend?  First thing I did -- besides catching up on laundry and dishwashing -- was to finally clean out Scarlett's tank.  I hadn't wanted to.  I'd been putting it off.  As long as I didn't clean out the tank, I could almost imagine she was still there, just sleeping in one of her caves, or burrowing underneath her sawdust bedding.

Eventually, though, I had to face reality and get the job done.  Then I moved Snow's tank into the space Scarlett's used to be, and slid Sunset and Slider's stand around so that they're all along the same wall.  

Once I'd gotten Scarlett's tank cleaned and disinfected, I moved Slider into it, because it's a better tank.  I'll clean and disinfect Slider's old tank and probably sell it in one of the local yard sale groups on Facebook.   Right now, it's just sitting there in the middle of the floor. 

This morning, I got out and did a little yard work before it got too hot.  Even though it was relatively cool, the humidity was so high that it didn't take long for me to be drenched anyway.  It wasn't really sweat.  It was more like condensation.  Be that as it may, I persevered and got all the fallen limbs and stuff from the storm picked up.  Then I dug up the last of those Elephant Ears the previous owner had planted.

I'd already dug up most of them, but there were a few roots I'd apparently missed.  (That picture is from last year.)

Next to go will be these things. 

I think they are Canna lilies.  They are taking over the yard.  I've already had to cut them back from blocking my gate once this summer, and this morning, I got out and chopped them back again.  Next spring, I'm going to keep cutting them back and hope they eventually die.

Good news!  While I was out doing all that yard work, I found some spider lilies coming up!

Football on the TV, candy corn in the stores, and spider lilies in the yard.  I don't care what the calendar says, it's FALL!

I do still have a couple of posts I want to write about my trip to watch the eclipse, but the events of the last couple of weeks have pushed them to the back burner.  However, I will give you a sneak peak.  This is the knitting project I took with me.

I chose this yarn because I thought the colors symbolized the sky during the eclipse -- going from blue to black, then back to blue again.  The pattern is Trekking Is For Necking, from an old blog that has since been taken down.  Fortunately, I'd printed out a copy of the pattern the first time I knit it, and still had one.

Yes, that is as far as I've gotten.   I haven't worked on it since I got home, because the sock yarn blankets have been calling my name so insistently. 

Well, in just a few short hours, my beautiful, glorious, wonderful long weekend will come to an end, and it's back to work.  I'm hearing we'll go right back to 7 day work weeks. 

We'll see. 

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