In the past, when times were better and I was more prosperous, I probably would have made this into a contest and offered some really cool yarn as a prize. Right now, though, I just don't have anything to offer, unless you want the really hideous novelty yarn that I won in a contest some years ago and it's been sitting in my yarn closet ever since because I just can't think of anything horrible enough to make with it. If you do want it, just let me know, and I'll send it to you. If more than one of you wants it, we'll resort to the old slips of paper in the hat routine.
OK, I'm depressed now. Make me laugh!
That's an order!
"Peek-a-boo, I see you!"
"Maybe if I hide behind this table Mom can't see me"
"Lose your marbles? I think I found them. Don't worry - they won't get past me!"
hmmmmm....I hid the remote and now I can't find it.
maybe she won't find out am I Jacksonville Jaguar fan
LOL! Those are great captions! Thanks, ladies.
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