Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Wednesday Wanderings...

Some musings on a Wednesday evening...

Rylea has a little boyfriend.

As you can see, they always get along perfectly well!

I hated to break the li'l feller's heart, but that is a dry well he's trying to dip into. Like a responsible pet owner should, I had Rylea spayed when she came into her first heat. Actually, a responsible pet owner should have a dog spayed before she comes into her first heat, but there was this little issue of being run over....

In Knitting Knews, here are my three squares for Mr. Machosauce's afghan:

I actually re-knit the first two. After washing them, they ended up not being big enough. My mother would say they "drew up". I believe the official knitting term is boinged. They boinged back to only 5 1/2 inches, so I re-did them. I'll get them into the mail Friday.

I slept all night last night, but I'm still sleepy as heck because I had such strange dreams. I only remember one. I dreamed I was visiting my little zoo. For those of you just joining me, I have this little zoo that I visit in my dreams a lot. It doesn't look like any zoo I've been to in real life, but I dream about it frequently, and it always looks the same. The last time I dreamed about it, Cody took the lion's cage apart. Anyway...

I was visiting my little zoo, and I went into one barn. There was a deer like animal in there, and she had just given birth. I mean, this baby was so new that it was just standing up for the first time. Another lady was in there, and she had climbed into the corrall to take pictures of the baby. I decided to take pictures also, but had the respect for the new mother to stay outside the fence. Didn't matter. The mother deer jumped the fence and began butting me until I was well away from her baby. The other lady was bemusedly watching from inside the enclosure.

I'm blaming that one on Opal, and her spicy noodles.



Bag Blog said...

Since Rita, the cowdog, has been sick, several dogs have been coming by to mark up her territory. She has always been in charge of ranch security, but she just does not have the energy for it these days, and the neighborhood dogs are taking advantage. Yes, I do have a Great Dane, but Zoe is not the guard dog that Rita was.

Opal said...

what a strange dream. at least it wasn't a mama tiger or lion. maybe i should warn you when i have a spicy late night snack? o.O

Dale said...

Hmmmm....a small zoo you say! I guess spicy food does that to me sometimes. It's strange that you have a repeat of the same location only a different scene. Wonder if the is the difference in the foods. You should experiment with that. Go a few nights and see if you have the dream again in the small zoo. After that night have the same thing you had last night ans see if you have the same scene.

Becky G said...

Lou, I understand what you mean. Rylea is a good dog, but she's not like Katie.

Opal, please do! Except when you eat at 1:30...;)

Dale, but I didn't eat the spicy food. Opal did. I've actually dreamed about that zoo many times. I've dreamed about it so many times, I almost know it better than the Memphis Zoo.