Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Things I Think About

Since y'all are probably sick and tired of hearing about me being sick and tired, I thought I'd share with you some of the weird stuff that goes through my slightly demented mind. I work in what is pretty much a no-brainer job. This means I have a lot of time to think. Maybe I have too much time...

Why do people post photos on public photo sharing sites, then pitch a wall-eyed hissy fit if you link to their photos? And God help you if you include a thumbnail. Come on, people! They are called photo sharing sites for a reason! If you don't want your photos shared, then don't post them there. If you must post them online then buy your own domain name and post them there. At the very least, set your account on the public photo sharing site to Private. Then you won't have to worry about people enjoying, and linking to, your precious photos.

Why do those who are so insistent that we share our wealth share so little of their own? By the same token, why do those who insist on raising taxes not pay their own? And who is his right mind would nominate a known tax fraud to a government authority position anyway?

Why did they decide that the Verizon Wireless guy needed to start talking? I thought those commercials made a much greater impact when the sight of him--and the Network-- was all that was needed. He's still totally cute, though.

Why in the blue blazes is Drew Pearson not in the Ring of Honor? Yeah, yeah, I know we all have our favorite players from when we were growing up--Charlie Waters, Too Tall Jones, etc. But if anyone deserves to be in the Ring Of Honor, it's Drew. I mean, how many people change the lexicon of pro football terminology? Ever hear of a Hail Mary? Remember the Hail Mary? The one that started it all? Yeah, that was Roger Staubach to --guess who?--Drew Pearson. He made the 1970s All Decade Team, but can't make the Ring of Honor? Go figure.

Do I have too much time on my hands, or what?



StephieKnits said...

Do you really want us to answer the last question? Just kidding..feel better quickly

Becky G said...

Stephie, I think I already know the answer!

Anonymous said...

LALALALALALALALALALALALALA I can't hear you...don't get me started on the new Cabinet, or the Congress,...or the new White House occupant's associations....LALALALALALALALALALALALALA I can't hear you...