Saturday, July 06, 2024


I have no idea what day it is.  Having those two days off of work has totally thrown me out of whack.  I have to keep reminding myself that it's Saturday.  Fortunately, I managed to remind myself in time to get down to the Farmer's Market on the square where I finally got Brennan's salsa.  

Since she liked it so much, I got her two of them. 

Not only that, but Bost Farms had some banana peppers. 

I'm not sure they were the same variety as what I'm growing, because they were huge.  Nevertheless, I mixed them in with mine and made two batches of pickled peppers this afternoon. 

The batch on the left are sweet pickles, and the ones on the right are garlic pickles.  I'll probably end up giving them as Christmas gifts. 

Not much else has gone on today, except for getting the back yard mowed.  I took care of that right after I got back from the Farmer's Market, and even though it wasn't that hot yet, the humidity was so high, I still ended up drenched with sweat.   So, I took a shower and stayed inside pretty much the rest of the day.  

I should probably show you the hat I finished last night, too. 

Since then, I've been working on the Seaman's scarf, but it's slow going. 

And now, here's something I haven't done in a long, long time.  I recorded a song for you on the piano.  Truth is, I don't really like how it sounds when I record myself, because my playing sounds stiff and uncomfortable -- if you know what I mean.  It's like I'm hyper aware that I'm recording myself, so I get nervous.  I can play a song note perfect a hundred times, but when I turn the camera on, it's like I've never seen the piece before.  Oh, well.  I hope you like it. 

And to take your mind off the mess you just heard, I call this one Summer Symphony.  It sure sounds better than the music I make. 


Amnicon Studio said...

I could tell you were getting more comfortable with your playing as the video went on.

Congrats on finally getting to the Farmer's Market.

Becky G said...

Thank you! I think I'm going to film myself more, so hopefully I can become more comfortable in front of the camera. I'm normally a behind-the-camera person.

Amnicon Studio said...

Practice makes it easier to be on camera. Even if you decide to not post the video, it's good practice.