Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Almost Gone

They are back to tearing down the woods behind the house.  

They've been at it for a couple of weeks now, and alas, my woods are almost gone.  I don't know where the deer will go.  This one doe is the only one I saw today. 

I think she's still here because she's got a tiny fawn that may be too young to travel far.  I saw it out in the woods, but couldn't get a clear photo of it. 

When I got home and saw how close they were to completely clearing the woods, the first thing I did was to put in a message to the fencing company.  He is going to come next week to give me an estimate.  This isn't just because they're tearing down the woods.  I've wanted to replace those fences ever since I've moved into this house, because they're in pretty bad shape.  And I want privacy fence because I want privacy when I'm in my back yard. 

The second thing was to go ahead and take down the squirrel feeder and bring it up to the house.

I'd already brought in the trough, so that was all I had left behind that fence.   I don't know how close they're going to come, or if that pecan tree is even in danger, but I thought it was better safe than sorry.  I think I'll just toss that feeder, since it's looking pretty ragged by now, and get a new one.  I'll have to figure out where to put it, because I'm sure the squirrels will still be around. 

When all that was done, I came inside and started fermenting a new batch of Tabasco peppers.  

I know there aren't that many in there, but there are several more on the bush...plant...whatever it is... that are almost ready to harvest.  I'm going to add peppers as they ripen, which is why I only filled it halfway with the vinegar.   And this time, I decided to use apple cider vinegar instead of white vinegar.  One of the recipes I looked up called for it, so I thought I'd try it.  I'll have to see which one Cody likes best. 

Not that it matters, as I don't think I'll be growing tabasco peppers next year.  I think I'm going to stick with one kind, and it'll be either jalapenos or banana peppers.  Something that's easy to pickle and preserve that way. 

And finally, look at next week, y'all!  Look at next week! 

I drove out to the lake after work yesterday thinking maybe I could walk one of the Pokemon Go routes, but decided it was just too hot.  Maybe I can go next week when it's much, much cooler and get me some route badges.  Oh, and exercise, too.  

Exercise is always a good thing. 

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