Sunday, July 21, 2024

Quiet Weekend

Well, I'd intended to go out to the lake after work yesterday and walk another Pokémon Go route, but by the time I got off, I was just too tired.  It wasn't even that hot, but the recent rains had driven the humidity through the roof.  Oh, I had good intentions...but you know what they say about those. 

So, I came on home and made six jars of pickled jalapeno peppers. 

I liked the recipe I found, because you measure the spices and stuff directly into the jars before adding the peppers, so you don't have to estimate how much of the spice mixture you need to mix up.  The original recipe said it made four half-pint jars, but I had enough peppers for six, so that took the guesswork out of mixing up those spices.  I did have to adjust the vinegar mixture, but that wasn't any big deal, once I knew how many jars I'd need.  

Into the canning bath they went, and fortunately I found a recipe that gave step by step directions on how to do a proper water bath, so I think I got that part right this time.  It said once I got them out of the water to leave them alone for 12 to 24 hours, so that's where they sit.  

I tried to print some labels this afternoon, but my printer is messing up.  I've tried to do the head cleaning thing like ... four times, and it's helped but hasn't completely solved the problem.  I've also changed out two of the ink cartridges, so that's not it.  I finally got frustrated and gave up for a while.  I'll try to figure it out  later.  Like maybe tomorrow. 

Alas, now I'm out of stuff to can, and that's too bad, because I think I'm hooked.  

I used to have a canning pot years and years ago, back when Cody was little.  James and Beverly had some pear trees in their yard, and I canned some of those every year, until the poison ivy got too thick and the trees stopped producing.  Maybe once I get my new fences up, I can plant something that will bear something I can can.   

By the way, someone came out and looked at the house next door -- the one that's up for sale.  I was outside checking on my sunflowers when they drove up.  That's the only reason I knew someone had come by.  I don't know if they've come before and were just taking a second look or what, but they only stayed about ten minutes.  That house doesn't have central air and only has one bathroom, and the kitchen seriously needs updating.  They've already dropped the price once, and I'm thinking they may need to drop the price even more before it'll sell. 

On a similar note, the fence guy is supposed to come Tuesday.  I'm going to get the privacy fence on that side first, because that's the side I feel most exposed on.  That was always the plan.   I was just waiting until I didn't have any dogs to put it into action. 

I didn't do much else today, other than watching TV, knitting, and trying to get some rest.  I'm almost ready to begin the crown decreases on this one. 

I'd thought about going back to the lake this morning, but I didn't make it.  Maybe tomorrow...

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